
Published October 30, 2008
There's been quite a lot of interesting news in the software world this past week. Microsoft's PDC has been in full force, and interesting news is spilling out to the rest of the world. So, I'm going to list the things that are interesting to me.

1. XNA 3.0 goes live - After a relatively short beta, XNA 3.0 goes live, and soon to be following is the community games feature, which lets XNA games get hosted on Xbox Live and sold for cash-money. Real, cold hard dough. This is sure to be a killer feature for XNA.

2. C# 4.0 - We finally get word on the new features planned for C# 4.0. The short list focuses on a few things: dynamic language support, optional / named parameters, and covariance / contravariance. The dynamic support looks to be most useful in general applications for duck typing, although after a discussion with Superpig I'm of the opinion that compile-time duck typing would have been more useful. Also, it sounds like the C# compiler is being rewritten entirely in C#. Take a look at the end of the video for an impressive demonstration of a REPL loop in C# using the new evaluator.

3. Direct2D - Microsoft announced a new native API for game development. Built on top of Direct3D, Direct2D is designed to make two dimensional graphics easier and faster than GDI and GDI+. This might be a killer for SDL on Windows. The reason I find it interesting is because we'll probably be pushing this into SlimDX as soon as possible.

4. Visual Studio 2010 CTP was released as well. I've downloaded it (it's absolutely monstrous - 11 parts at 700 MB a part) and it seems to be quite interesting. Most (if not all?) of the interface has been rewritten in WPF. While it does have its downsides (font rendering), this also means that certain features may be coming to C# applications, such as the VS text editor. This would be quite awesome indeed.

That's it. There is no more. That's all she wrote.
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I for one am looking forwards to C#4! [grin]
October 31, 2008 03:22 PM
Direct2D? Well now, looks like I can finally kill off Gorgon.
October 31, 2008 04:00 PM
benryves: Yessir, C# is a wondrous thing to behold.

TapeWorm: Ah well. I suppose you could always rework Gorgon to build off of that, but I'm not sure it'd be worth the effort. You need to make a game instead of a library next time (obviously showing off SlimDX [grin])
October 31, 2008 05:18 PM
Bleh C# 4.

I suppose the covariance stuff provides a better foundation for addressing the shoddy delegate system, and to get dynamic languages playing nice in .NET you need the C# interface for them... just seems like their aim is to grow something that doesn't need grown as much as refined.
October 31, 2008 07:25 PM
Quote:Original post by Mike.Popoloski
You need to make a game instead of a library next time (obviously showing off SlimDX [grin])

To be repeated to every single developer posting an IotD showing off his or her ENGINE. Seriously, is this GameDev or EngineDev?

I know this is old, but I'm surprised you didn't mention DirectWrite at the time, which is some seriously awesome stuff --- the rotating ClearType comparison really caught my attention --- and yes, SlimDX support for the new API's is wicked awesome. Thanks very much. [wink]

January 28, 2009 01:57 PM
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