General concept

Published August 19, 2013
This entry is about this week's GDNet gamedev competition.

Working together with an artist friend, our basic game idea is about a village of Dilophosaurus who are planning to attack a nearby human village in response to human hunters attacking Dilophosaurus and other dinosaurs.

The game takes place in the Dilophosaurus village, as the various Dilophosuari argue and debate their course of actions.

Here's a hand-drawn sketch of the main character, drawn by the artist, in his 'face west' pose.

[size=2]Serious dinosaur is serious.

My friend drew it in pencil, then I scanned it and colored it in Paint Shop Pro XI.

Still alot of coding that needs to get done! I was busy with non-competition related stuff today (and now my hands are blistered like crazy!), but managed to put in a good six-ish hours.
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