Weekly Update #1

Published June 13, 2017

Weekly Update #1

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[indent=1]All the 5 first illustrations have been finished by the concept artist Roland, these illustrations are to give you a feeling of some actions you can do in the game. The work going on at the moment is to do the rest of the illustrations, some logo work and to carve out more of the vertical slice version of the game, such as making a list over which features to include and how to include them. This is almost 80% done and ready to be sent to the consultant for him to go over and give his feedback on it.


The ship modeling

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[indent=1]After having some bad luck regarding realism from some of the early artists, I decided to get an experienced one involved, and now Fabrizio Bortolussi aka "The Hand" got the job to create the first ship and to set the standard of how this is going to look for all the ships in the game. If you dont know who this is, he has worked on the following:


  • Kill Bill
  • District 9
  • Silent Hill
  • Narnia 3
  • Underworld: Evolution
  • Silent Hills (Now Cancelled)
  • Star Citizen
  • Agony

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[indent=1]And much more

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[indent=1]This is to say the least, extremely exciting. And after the summer a fully explorable AAA quality 17th century ship will be ready to show of, when it is, I will make a video where we will go trough the ship explaining some of the features to come. Might do a video and a stream of this in case some of you wants to ask questions and feedback live.

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[indent=1]Until then, the work starts to get more artists and programmers involved, the vision for this team is max 4. So I will be looking for 2 programmers and one more artists to join this project and make it ready for crowdfunding and application to NFI for devolpment funds. If that dosent happen, it will of course continue as planned, but just take a bit longer.

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[indent=1]Thank you for reading and I hope you liked the update!

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