Week 15: Darkness, ToothAche, Immunotherapy

Published June 27, 2018 Imported

Hey All,

I can’t believe it’s almost been 4 months. I am really glad I decided to do these blog posts as it is a sweet log of everything accomplished but also shows how much we have improved.

This week is actually a fairly large update. Development went fast as there was very little issues with the new features and everything went smooth (I think a large part is my coding skills are getting vastly improved).

So what is new… First up is darkness. A new room hazard and just really cool effect that will be used through the game. The whole room is now dark and the only light you have are from flickering lights on the wall. They are not that strong and only cast out light a short distance. This effect came out great. The closer you get to the center of the light the brighter it is and as you move away it gets darker. This is going to make some really awesome rooms. Here is a video showcasing the lighting. I added it to the starting room just to showcase right now.

Second item up is ToothAche!! He is the first boss of the game. He has a very distinct pattern that you have to figure out, BUT he is also random in the choices he makes of where to move, so good luck ? In the intro he floats down from the ceiling and then shoots out fireballs as he rotates. He then shoots back up and starts smashing down upon you. Watch for the exclamation marks, dodge, then hit, then run. Once he is down to 50% health he changes in appearance and gets angry. He now falls down faster and rises back up faster. Oh also he will randomly crash down and shoot fireballs. Good luck catching him. Watch out for the top and bottom of the room as its full of holes, you are restricted to a specific section. Here’s is a video showcasing him. For debug and testing I have it so as soon as the game starts it goes straight to him. This obviously is only for this reason.

The third big feature are immunotherapy potions. My wife, Sarah (Also games main character) just got accepted into an immunotherapy trial. This was only fitting for the game. These will be very rare items in the game. One potion (treatment) restores your health to full. These potions can only be bought with in game currency you earn by playing the game. They will definitely help you in times of need. For testing and debug purposes I gave myself 2 potions in my inventory. Watch the video as I will select them and use them for a quick restore as I am fighting the boss.

Aside from that there were more bugs ironed out. I am fixing each bug as it’s discovered so I don’t “forget” any or have it turn into a larger issue.

Next thing I am working on this week is finishing all the rooms for world 1, and I mean it this time. I am finally done with everything needed to make this possible. World 2 will be very fast as the core of the game is done and all the artwork for world 2 is nearly complete.

We are still on track for September release and TestFlight beta will start in the coming weeks.

Thanks all!

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I like ToothAche! Very cool. :) 

June 27, 2018 09:14 PM
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