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Get Started Now With Performance Optimization — Learning Resources for Unity Addressables 2020+

[Visit the original site at Unity Addressables: Learning Resources]

You probably heard how addressables can help you optimize your Unity game: RAM usage, loading times, iteration times, content update with cloud storage...

But you might be confused about where to start learning addressables.

That I un…

Don't Let Sneaky Text Assets and JSONs Crash Your Game

Picture yourself at the university's library, holding a heavy 1000-page Calculus book on your hands for about two hours. Tell me, how would that feel on your arms? Here's the thing: that's exactly what Unity is doing by default to your operating system with all your text files. Here's the more ligh…

Delivering Videos With Unity Addressables

Let's be honest. Videos are crucial elements for high caliber games, but they feed on storage space. They'll milk till the last bit of your players' drives. They'll skyrocket your game installation times by hours. Would you enjoy staring at a progress bar for 12 hours? Your players won't. No proble…

Unleash Your Content Distribution with Unity Addressables

It's Christmas time. More than ever, I feel like cutting my content update iteration times by 90%. Do this by allowing your players to download your content on demand. Here's how you do this with Unity Addressables CDN.

[The original post can be found at Unity Addressables CDN]

Unity Addressables is …
