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Writing Samples Revenant

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25 comments, last by sunandshadow 21 years, 1 month ago
Well, you certainly *dont* become emotionless.
The thing is that the only thing that now keeps you alive is the consumption of blood. This idea carries in itself the same sort of themes that are usually associated with drug-addiction : how far are you ready to go to get the next fix, the impact of your habit on your relationship, the physical impact on your body, and the all consuming thirst.
I find the whole concept quite interesting, especially having to feed on people, that you now consider like cattle rather than equals : just because you have different feeding habits, are you really "superior", and "different". What makes you so different ? Is it the teeth ? Is it the lack of regret for killing people ? How do you relate to humanity, how do you hold on to the last remains of your own humanity ?

Naw, it''s *all* about the emotions, and the loss of humanity. Quite the opposite of emotionless or inhuman, IMHO

Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
Seize of Olympus:
The day heaven fell into hell.

Once in the kingdom of Xanar, there was a prosperity
and progress. Xanar was one of the most powerful
kingdoms in all of Sphere. In its vast land, many
swore allegiance to the king. Xanar had powerful lords
and knights but the two most powerful were the Sword
of Zanzibar and the High Knights of Xanar. In the year
of high moon 324, invasions were becoming regular
practice along the countryside of Xanar as well as in
other countries. Knights and lords were able to aptly
defend their lands, but something was unsettling about
the various skirmishes. Why were they happening? Who
led them? Why now? These were some of the questions
being asked. Five years later in 329, the answers come
to light at Ceremony of Judges.

“The ceremony seems to be going well. Does it not,
Ramses?”, says the King.

“Yes sire, splendid indeed. I wonder what other
surprises my liege has in store for us.”, Ramses

The King says smilingly, “You shall see.”

As the night goes on, jesters, magicians, and acrobats
filled the room with laughter and glee. The night
seems to be in full festive swing. Then it happens....

As a magician turns stone into clay, a spear suddenly
pierces his chest. Blood splatters over all those
around him. The magician tries desperately to chant a
spell to remove the almost 6 inch thick spear, but he
goes into shock and falls. The spear holds him up as
he resembles the image of a skewed pig. The hall is in
panic and disarray. Mercenaries burst through windows
setting the curtains aflame as they ride down on them.
Jesters who were entertainers now find laughter in
slitting the throats of whoever runs in their path.
Minsters, some being of defense, land, and ancient
scrolls, are captured quickly. Knights and some lords
notice this is too organized to be a random raid. The
King is taken to his secret bunker which is
underground and some ways from the castle, after the
magician was speared. Action must now be taken.

The king orders his mages to awaken his High Knights
and other soldiers to wipe the vermin once and for

His orders are clear, “Kill all of those who bring
sacrilege to the Great Hall!”

The mages start an incantation that delivers the
message to the knights, lords and countymen in their
sleep. Since the raids began, there has always been a
plan in case of such an event. All of those who were
ready to fight met inside the armory. The High Knights
gave everyone their orders. Ra-Ares the Highest Knight
of Xanar noticed a group was missing. As the massive
group marched out of the armory, they soon realized
that this battle was far more sinister in nature than
they had imagined.

The moon was set high in the clouds, as if it was
meant to bring to light all that was happening. Orcs,
ogres, trolls, and elves began to flood the
countryside. Each horizon that could be seen glittered
with moon-lighted axes and swords. There in the midst
of the upcoming chaos was the group Ra-Ares had not
seen, the Sword of Zanzibar. What was once grass was
now a sea of murderers ready to bathe in blood.

A grand yet destructive battle was now in play. As the
soldiers loyal to Xanar looked upon the high moon for
guidance and victory, a strange star traveled near
it’s vicinity. As soon as the star passed in front of
the moon, a large blue flash filled the night sky.
When the flash passed, hundreds laid dead and those
that were alive fought blanketed with the blood of
their enemies. The battle raged fiercely throughout
the night. High Knights and Zanzibar Lords fought as
if they were competing for life itself. They matched
in skill in every way. Neither side gave the
advantage. High Knight Celis killed 50 ogres before
she was stopped by Dion, a Zanzibar Lord. The two
slaughtered another 200, some of them being their own
people, before the next wave of attacks started.

Suddenly a woman in a luminous white gown appeared
near the castle. She floated in the air for a split
second then just as quickly as she appeared
disappeared. As Melios, another High Knight, swung an
elf over his head with his broadsword, he saw large
fireballs blaze across the sky. It was headed for the
castle. The beginning of the end had come.

Night had turned to clear day. The castle walls began
to burn effortlessly and crumbled. Mercenaries poured
into the castle confines looting and destroying
everything they came across. The Knights of Xanar were
quickly being outnumbered two to one. Defeat was
imminent. Ra-Ares and Ramses, leader of the Sword of
Zanzibar stood atop a hill in a bitter clash. The two
in a stalemate watch the castle and Zanzibar troop
storm in blitzkrieg fashion.

“So do you wish to die now, or spend the rest of your
years in shame?”, Ramses laughs heartily.

“I’d rather reach in your chest and rip out your
spine.”, replies Ra-Ares.

“Ha ha ha! Yes and then you’ll sing a little song and
this will be all be over. Ra-Ares, you know this match
between us is futile. And unlike you, I can last much
longer.”, says Ramses.

“I wonder what he means by that....”, Ra-Ares thinks
to himself.

Knowingly unable to finish or end the stand off,
Ra-Ares retreats but not before he gives Ramses a
deadly blow to his chest. Ra-Ares signals his troops
and knights to retreat. As Ra-Ares and his troops pull
back, he notices that Ramses stands atop the hill
laughing. It is then that Ra-Ares realizes that
something else was behind the attack.

The castle burns violently under the moonlight. Humans
and subhumans cheer and roar at their victory. The
Sword of Zanzibar laughs and proclaim themselves
strongest in the land, an unstoppable force, an
ungodly power. The High Knights and other survivors of
Xanar can do nothing more than watch helplessly and
retreat for safer territory. Luck, on this night, was
not with them.

.......20 years later.
“So I heard they come back today.”, says Ra-Ares.

“From what I’ve heard they have seemed to learn much
more than we. I wonder how they will do. Maybe it’s
soon to tell.”, replies Richter.

“My sources tell me Celis’ daughter has learned some
Eastern arts. They are said to be quite deadly.
Speaking of that have you heard anything about the
sorceress, Richter?”

“No, actually I haven’t. It is said that the Eastern
region also shared the fate as we did 20 years ago. I
gather that our “sorceress” is not the only one.”

“Well it seems unlikely that she herself conducted all
these at once. Did you hear that....?”

As Ra-Ares, he caught a bow screaming past his face.
It was then that the High Knights knew their children
had returned. In the same respect, the children
realized that they were in the right place. Each child
greeted their parent individually. Magnus greeted his
father Ra-Ares and apologized for the bow. Ra-Ares
thought nothing of it, for he knew it was necessary.
As the sun began to set, a great feast began. Dancing
and drinks went all around. The High Knights and their
children sat together sharing brew, roasted hawk and
rat tail.

“I realized that all of us has only parent. Where did
the other leave to?” Bella asked quizzically.

“It is a mystery to all of us. Each of our partners
shared 5 years with us. Then told us to send each of
you to different part of Sphere to learn a warrior
art. After that was done, they were never seen
again.”, Galau replied to her daughter.

“I see.”, Bella replied.

After the feast, many words were spoken, ideas drawn
out, and adventures shared. Night became day and the
young warriors were called by their parents for their
first challenge.

“Ramses.”, Ra-Ares bellowed.

“Yes, father.”, Ramses answered.

“You are go with the others in Hlmet’s swamp. Bring
back the head of the Taurus and it’s master.”

“When shall we be back?”

“Two days time. If you are not back by then we will
burn the swamp, whether you are in it or not.”

“Yes, father I understand. Come all, we must destroy
the Taurus and on the way talk and eat.” Ramses said

The group of seven went off. The High Knights look on
approvingly awaiting their return. In two days time,
the seven young warriors might return to meet more
challenges only to face the greatest challenge of all,
the Sword of Zanzibar. Hopefully Time will be
gracious, and Fate will not deal them a heavy hand or
even Death.

it''s been awhile since i''ve proofread this. but some critiques, corrections, suggestions would be nice.
thanks alot.

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The class of the writing here is amazing.

I just wish I could read the rest of the stories... It''s hard to stop after the first page or two, especially Alpha, since I really don''t know what''s happening yet

ahw - was not expecting THAT to happen. Like the story, though And your writing style, etc., is simply awesome.

adventuredesign - Love the low-tech part.

Farahdi - Love to read the next chapter. I''m curious what the guys'' purpose is. (Well, I know they''re space-marine ilk, but not what they''re doing)...

wild_pointer - Sounds like Alan Dean Foster''s intro to Codgerspace... He talks about a cheese sandwich and its effects in great (and strangely humorous) detail. I like the cat...

Kellzangel - I''m intrigued... Not entirely sure what''s going on yet (which is good, considering I''ve only read pages one and part of two...) There are a few places that lack the sophistication of most writing; really just a few sentences and phrases. But overall very good...

Anyways, if I ever get around to it, I''ll post something of mine... But I really really like this thread; it''s great to read interesting and varied (and somewhat weird and surprising) writings and having to imagine the rest of the plot and story.

Thanks for giving me something to read! I''m about to go stir-crazy...

(red eye)
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Hey this is still going, cool... I like reading other peoples stuff. Mine has some crappy word choices and sentence structure, I''ll have to work on it.

[My site|SGI STL|Bjarne FAQ|C++ FAQ Lite|MSDN|Jargon]
Ripped off from various people
*blushes* well, thanks I am still fighting to get a handle on the point of view and tense things...
I like to change for the sake of variety, but it somehow feels more natural to tell a story in first person. My main difficulty is when I want to do dialogues. I like dialogues, but it''s not exactly simple to integrate them cleanly in the narrative (well, for me, that is.)

Anyway, as I read the stuff here, I am starting to think that it would be nice to have some sort of archive where we could post, and where the reading would be easier. It feels kind of sad that some of the writings would vanish from the horizon after a few weeks (especially given the slow pace of our beloved forum )

Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
quote: Original post by Avatar God

The class of the writing here is amazing.

I just wish I could read the rest of the stories... It''s hard to stop after the first page or two, especially Alpha, since I really don''t know what''s happening yet

what else do you want to know?

the writing here is exceptional. i hope that i write as well as the others here. i even caught some more errors as i read my little story. hopefully i''ll get it up to snuff soon.

anyway remember keep posting and give critiques (especially on mine :D).

thanks for reading!

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


Hmmm, most of my stuff is Anthro Fiction, so fair warning. But here''s another excerpt - Same setting, different viewpoint... This is the writing style I prefer, first person doesn''t feel right when I try to use it.

* * * * *

"Hold them off! At any cost, hold them off!" The commgear in his ear crackled. This was it, then.

For four hours the technicians in the cavern far below had been working feverishly to repair the damage done to the colony ship. The last enemy attack had managed to sweep over the defenders, ignoring them in an attempt to get through to the cavern entrance. Only one squad of troops had made it that far, and they had been more than enough. The explosive charge they''d used had blown a large hole in one of the engines, forcing the ship to shut down until repairs had been complete. Now, with the engines beginning their ten minute cycle to full power, the enemy was launching another attack. He doubted he''d ever find out whether they had detected energy emissions, or just chosen now to attack. He doubted he''d ever care.

The rest of his squad looked to him as he turned towards the battlefield. They weren''t warriors, they were a freighter crew who''d just happened to get caught up in this whole mess. Turning back to face them, he watched their expressions for a moment, letting their trust in him bolster his courage. With one more breath, he gave his orders.

"Akillun, Ornocen. You two man the heavy laser." He paused to watch the two of them nod and head towards the large, immobile weapon. It was a huge target for enemy troops, but the damage it could deal was considered worth the risk by high command. Igrian felt differently, but these were his friends, practically his family. With a shake of his head, he turned to the last two.

"Ursoan. Watch the scanner. I want warning the instant anything that can hit that," he indicated the heavy laser, "begins to move within range." Once again he paused to await acknowledgement before continuing with his orders. "Eshina, you''re with me. We''re going to dig in and shoot anything that moves."

"Dig in here, or up further?" She asked, pointing to a small rise several metres away.

"Here." He stated flatly. If they were going to fight, they were going to fight together. "Okay, comms on everyone." He called out, raising his voice so Akillun and Ornocen could hear. Their acknowledgments came via the commgear in his helmet, Ursoan''s voice sounding distant as he concentrated on the scanner. Nodding to Eshina, he began to dig in. Then they waited.

Not even a minute after they''d moved into position, the sounds of battle began to carry from further to the North. The fake signal seemed to be working well, no one seemed to have even noticed the actual entrance. Appearances, however, can be deceiving.

"Contact! Troops only, moving in. Estimate twenty seconds to visual contact." Ursoan''s voice grew excited, whether in fear or anticipation was something Igrian wasn''t sure he wanted to know. A quick glance at his rifle showed the idiot lights for power and systems were green. At least something was going right today.

"Akillun, Ornocen, fire the gun as soon as you can see a target. Be ready to jump clear the instant I give the word. No heroics people, we''ll survive just fine without em." No sooner had the words left his mouth than the world turned white.

His helmet visor had polarised instantly, saving him from being blinded by the blast of the laser. The weapon was drawing directly off a fusion power plant. Combined with the liquid nitrogen cooling system, it could fire as often as a target presented itself. Experienced crews let it cycle for a few seconds to allow nearby troops the chance to choose a target. They were all experienced by now.

Press to test... *click* Release to detonate...
Press to test... *click* Release to detonate...

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