

Started by July 15, 2003 08:43 PM
6 comments, last by cheez_keeper 21 years, 2 months ago
will we have a function to tell us the time remaining in the match, or are we required to keep track of time for ourselves if we want to? Brett Lynnes
There will be no function to tell the bots how long is left. Besides, the bots don''t really need to know. The original spec said five minutes total match time, but Kevin recently dropped that to three minutes. It may change again, but do you really need to know? The match keeps going until a bot dies or time runs out, at which point the bot with the greater health remaining wins.
Steve 'Sly' Williams  Monkey Wrangler  Krome Studios
turbo game development with Borland compilers
yes, it would be very nice to know time remaining. the bot''s behavior could be modified depending upon this value. think about it: if you''ve played any sports that are time limited, do you change tactics when time gets short? of course you do.
However, in sports, you change tactics because of several factors, such as fatigue, score, etc etc. I think the point of this contest was to really GO as soon as the match started, and not wait until the final 10 seconds to rush the guy... Just my 0.02 $

Chris Pergrossi
< ctoan >
My Realm
Chris PergrossiMy Realm | "Good Morning, Dave"
i agree c t o a n, for this first "beta" use of the arena.

but as more tournaments are run, i think adding other influencing factors into the equation will keep peoples interest, since the more variables there are to consider the more chance you have of taking advantage of one technique over another. so the bots become multi-dimensional and more complex, rather than just aimless drones that have few inputs to consider and therefore few behaviors to select from.

these types of input cost almost nothing to implement, assuming the arena-to-bot interface is set up to accomodate flexibility in this area. and then it would be up to the bot programmer to decide whether to make use of the input.
It would be nice to be able to change tactics that depends on the time. If you are on the loose and time is running out, you probably want to take some risks. And of course the other way too if you are winning, try to escape and avoid being hit instead of attacking.

Of course then you would need to know if you are loosing or winning. Or at least be able to estimate that, with the triggers that are given.
15 seconds to go, and you still have a ton of ammo... might be time to unload some of it, eh?

Brett Lynnes
How about during bot initialization let the bot know the time limit for the round, and then let the bot handle the rest.

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