
One Request?

Started by July 17, 2003 01:45 PM
12 comments, last by Xgkkp 21 years, 2 months ago
Just wondering if it can be done so it can be run from the command line or something? and without graphics? It could be something really simple like

gdarena -nographics gdarenaxxx.ini output.txt
So you can specify the ini file it uses and a file it just writes the output to then automatically quits. I mean, As far as I see it would be simple just to get a commandline switch for it to choose an ini file, and no graphics is just a quuestion of ignoring the graphics loop! or even just adding a couple of precompiler switches to miss out graphics or something on a seperate build. just my thoughts.. [edited by - Xgkkp on July 17, 2003 2:45:28 PM]
What are you wanting in the output.txt?

Admin for

umm, something like:

{Name of Winning bot} {Health of Winning bot}\n{Name of Losing Bot} {Health of Losing Bot}\n[EDIT}{Timeinsecondsofmatch}\n\0    

or even, If winning is based purely on health:
{Bot1name} {Health}\n{Bot2name} {Health}\n[EDIT}{Timeinsecondsofmatch}\n\0    

Basically, something so we can just evaluate the performance of a bot. Oh, also it might be handy (Though not so important) to be able to set the seed for the random arena, so we can run the same one each time (Also very useful for debugging purposes)
[Edit] time of the match at the end could also be useful, For bots that win quicker.


[edited by - Xgkkp on July 17, 2003 3:17:00 PM]

[edited by - Xgkkp on July 17, 2003 4:21:22 PM]
Being able to seed the arena would be nice, you could perform the same test cycle as many times as needed to work out kinks in the AI/navigation logic.
- James
so, like
gdarena -seed 1234352 -nographics gdarenaxxx.ini output.txt 

I feel so dirty asking other people for things, I keep thinking I should do stuff myself :D
Ok, the only problem with the nographics part is that while you may not get graphics, you are still going to have to run the matches in full realtime. I've tried tweaking some values to do fast forwarding, but I really never intended to have FF, so the results are very strange and definitely not correct. And before saying it shouldn't be a problem, just keep in mind that the current state of the arena is far more than I ever intended it to be (believe it or not), and so the design is very.. well, bad because I kept adding things. It doesn't allow for many additions or fancy features in its current state (hence the desire to redesign it).

Otherwise, I believe the output file and arena random seeding can be done.

Admin for

Well, No graphics in same time is fine, beacuse It uses less system resources so you could potentially run more than one at the same time, and it could also be run on slower machines.
being able to run the arena in fast forward mode would be great but if your implementation does not allow it... never mind then.

the point in disabling graphics is that you can loop the arena in the background while still being able to work on the pc without the graphcis window flashing in every three minutes..
uhm... well, and it might run on systems with graphics issues then.. but you won't see what your bot is actually doing, so there's no point anywhere

[edited by - LagRange on July 17, 2003 4:15:51 PM]
quote: Original post by LagRange
and it might run on systems with graphics issues then.. but you won't see what your bot is actually doing, so there's no point anywhere

Perhaps for debugging, but for evolving genetic algorithm bots it could be useful to set a load of old computers working on it so you can still use your main pc.

Oh, and I added to the output list thing the idea of time taken/remaining.

[edited by - Xgkkp on July 17, 2003 4:23:53 PM]
I think it''s far more important to see what the bot is actually doing, ie. ability to dodge, get around obstacles, find the other bot, etc, rather than just the final outcome.
Steve 'Sly' Williams  Monkey Wrangler  Krome Studios
turbo game development with Borland compilers

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