

Started by July 25, 2003 08:20 AM
26 comments, last by khawk 21 years, 1 month ago
Kudos to you guys for figuring out what you are going to have to do and not have to do, and for also realizing that you in fact will not be able to use traditional AI techniques (you do not know your world position).

And some FYI.. there is no error in the calculation. If there is, then it''s a real miscalculation on my part.

Admin for

quote: Original post by JohnBSmall
quote: Original post by Xgkkp
And if there was a random error, I doubt it would be large enough to cause it to look like two objects are in the same place.

The problem is not two objects looking like they''re in the same place. The problem is after you''ve moved around a lot, with measurement errors, an object that you saw when you started out could appear to have moved, and so you might end up with two copies of it in your internal map.
In other words, it''s not two objects looking like they''re in the same place, it''s one object looking like it''s in two places.

John B

My point is (even though we know there isn''t and random error now) yeah, but with each measurement you take an average of all the different measurements to find it''s position - simple! and keep track of how ''wide'' the error appears to be!
quote: Original post by Xgkkp
Trees could be represented as a ''point'' or ''radius'' or even an angle from the bot''s direction, distance and width from the bots point of view. Walls are more complicated because they have a start and an end, the bot can see ''slices'' at different angles and can see more than one of them. Things like trees presumably ''look'' the same no matter what angle you are at. It''ll be interesting to see how He''s done it.

thanks. i hadn''t even considered any of that.
Sorry everyone, for missing that Thursday deadline I set for myself to get the interfaces released. I was going to finish it last night, but a Big Thing (TM) happened at work last night as I was leaving, and I didn''t get a chance to work on the arena at home because I had to research some things in preparation for this morning. I''m rescheduling to have it released by this weekned sometime, but I won''t have the full documentation ready. I''ll explain how that works when it gets released..

Admin for

quote: but a Big Thing (TM) happened at work last night as I was leaving

after installing your xbox it crashed and you lost all ur savegames (does the xbox has a Bluescreen?)... but seriously will u put the precontest version of the arena on the contest page? or will there be some other link/site, maybe someone with webspace can give us the ability to upload botdlls so that other people can test it!?!

quote: Original post by Khawk I''ll explain how that works when it gets released..
You''ll explain how what works when? Do you mean, you''ll explain how the program works when you release it (but before you release documentation)? Or you''ll explain how the programming part works, or what?

quote: Original post by Russell
quote: Original post by Khawk I''ll explain how that works when it gets released..
You''ll explain how what works when? Do you mean, you''ll explain how the program works when you release it (but before you release documentation)? Or you''ll explain how the programming part works, or what?

The full quote is.. "but I won''t have the full documentation ready. I''ll explain how that works when it gets released.." In other words, I''ll explain how the lack of documentation and the resulting questions and answers everyone will have will work when I release the interface.

Admin for

quote: Original post by Khawk
I''m rescheduling to have it released by this weekned sometime, but I won''t have the full documentation ready. I''ll explain how that works when it gets released..

w00t, i''m looking forward to getting my hands into this

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