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Best RPG Ever???

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40 comments, last by Run_The_Shadows 24 years ago
Ok, all this talk about RPGs and whats right and wrong with them has got me thinking. What is the BEST ROLE-PLAYING Game ever. Most true to the idea that you are a character, and that character is a real person. My pick: Vampire:The Masquerade(And offshoots) This is one of the true ROLE-PLAYING and not ROLL-PLAYING games ever. Its not about the combat(Like Werewolf/Shadowrun) and not about the character buildup(TSR Games), Its about the Horror of waking up everynight and having to lose your morals to survive. Well, thats it...FLAME AWAY!!! -Run_The_Shadows -Run_The_Shadows@excite.com
Two years ago, I would have agreed with you in a heartbeat. Recently, White Wolf''s releases have been getting progressively cheesier, despite some system improvements.

Also, take a look at the way they handle math in that game. A dice pool systme with equal variables? What''s that crap!? No matter what combination of dice you roll, your percentage of success remains pretty much the same. With exceptions in the extreme, you are simply rolling one big complicated die! Of course, this doesn''t really matter since the dice only play a minimal role in the game.

Don''t get me wrong, I still play white wolf''s games... but recently their publications have been encouraging the cheesiest kind of games! Even whack-a-monster is more tolerable than a :captain-planet" style game of werewolf where they blow up the moon. C''mon people.

Best Dice System ever: Sihlouette from Dream Pod 9.
Best RPG concept ever: HoL.
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt
FF7 is pretty good...

- DarkMage139
"Real game developers don't change the rules. Real game developers don't break the rules. Real game developers make the rules!"
"Originality (in games) is the spice of life!"
- DarkMage139
I have to say White-Wolf''s Werewolf series. Grant you can go and tear through everything in true hack and slash style, but the back story is the best part of it. Not only spritual and mystical, you''ve got all the politics you need AND you get to kill all the icky stuff with a 9 foot monster. You can''t go wrong with that. Though its granted you need a mature group of players to actually have the story backdrop mean anything...

Eri Norris
I don''t really have a best rpg ever. There are bits from rpgs which I think are great like certain battles in Baldur''s Gate, the slow realisation of the level from mapping in Ultima Underworld, the terror in System Shock 2 from the first plot twist, witnessing the carnage wrought from casting delayed blast fireball into a pack of advanced draconians and watching them destry themselves in a chain reaction in the last game of the gold box Krynn series, killing the ruby and emerald weapons in FF7 with a double summon Knights of the Round counter mimic chain in under 2 rounds, the apocalyptic final battle and resolution in FF games, the amusing FF-like big spell FMVs in PS:Torment, or even sniping with a plasma rifle in Fallout, but there is no one package which grabs me. I''m still waiting for the best RPG ever.
JeranonGame maker wannabe.
My computer really sucks so I can''t play online, but for consoles, I know what is what.

The best PSX RPG has got to be a tie between FF7/FF8 I think FF7 is slightly better than FF8, but it''s so close!

Nintendo 64 is lacking, and quest was an experience...not one i remember too well. What I do remember was spending 20 hourse AFTER beating the game trying to level up my character and only got to 330 something hp before my Controller Pack erased. I love Zelda: TOOT.

Lunar was short, and the only reason I got it was because they weren''t selling anymore after a certain date. Jade Cocoon (spelling?) was innovative, but short. FF Anthology with it''s FF5 was good. Xenogears was long, and by the second disk it looked lke the programmers and game developers were getting tired....
Legend of Dragoon is cool. And FF9 is gonna rock, just like every Square game. You may hate RPG''s, and you may hate FF''s ways of doing things, but their presentation/music/FMV/stories are out of this galaxy.
I would have to say that Xenogears by SquareSoft is definitely the best RPG ever made. It has one of the most detailed, twisted, and awesome stories I ever heard, combined with the some of the greatest gameplay, music, characters, style, and such cool graphics.
We shall be free; th'' Almighty hath not build here for his ervy, will not drive us hence: Here we may reign secure and in my choyce To reign is worth ambition though in Hell: Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heav''n.
ff7 and after were all pathetic. For the real Square games you have to play snes titles: ff2, ff3, and chrono trigger. Notice that they fool who made ff7+8 isn''t in charge anymore, they brought back the old guy. Hopefully they will regain their lost glory and the games will actually include gameplay instead of focusing entirely on repettitive and simple combat with pretty graphics mixed in. So in my opinion ff2 is the one.
Legend of Zelda on the NES or Ultima VII on the PC. These two have to remain as the two best games ever. Zelda just rocked.

Derek Licciardi (Kressilac)Elysian Productions Inc.
Funny how people always consider the latest titles the best.
It only indicates a longing for eye candy.
Just say as it is "tha best rpg ever until the next in series!"
Just wait until Squaresoft hires another 100 artists and programmers.
The genre is following a linear growth of stagnation: put in more
manpower -> get out more eyecandy. Nothing much happening, the
basic concept has been worn since I started gaming in the 80:s.

I am now the official pessimist on the site. Yeah. Can I have
"pessimist" for rank puhleese?

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