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other mecha stuff

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1 comment, last by Chokki 20 years, 9 months ago
hello. this would be my first post, but I am definitely not a newB. I just thought i would throw out an idea or two. Take it and criticize it to HECK. anyways, we have all played tournament games of one kind, we have all played fighting games too. My idea would combine the two into an RPG. before you groan, here me out: The setting would be in the not to distant future, after the internet and other tech advances have brought society to a somewhat utopia. The main character would be an average kid(i'm sorry for making him a steriotypical main character ) who goes to school, ect. ect. bare with me. The game would be based on a widespread online tournament game, that the main character would play. Teams, or "clans" could be formed, and special tournaments. The character is playing one day and finds himself in a new level, which is really a test level for a new mode of play. Upon winning, he is inducted into a small clan. Only one company has servers for the tournaments, so it sets up the games and rules. Winning the tournaments would result in "money" that would be necessary to fix armor, buy weapons, rent "web space" to put all of your junk -- essentially mimicking what it would be like of the game was real. Teams would be sponsored by companies, like the one that sponsors the main character. He is paired up with some other people, who aren't really his friends at first, so on, and so on. Then the person playing the game would also be able to really go on the internet, form clans, and play the game online, using items he had earned in the game. The battles would be a form of first/third person shooter, and would use weapons and items earned from playing the game( i.e. the Xexxon Tournament Edition Plasma Rifle) and items like super jump, weapon +, etc. The player could go to forums in the game to get tips from other 'players' and auction for new/used/rare weapons and items. I know this idea isn't entirely original, but it would still be a cool game. NOW LETS HEAR SOME CRITISISM! ...and then I said to the guy, "No, your mom!" [edited by - chokki on October 8, 2003 3:09:13 PM]
Quote: Original post by EtnuBwahaha. I would've shot the guy in the balls.
Original, shmoriginal.

People gripe too much about stuff not being original, being stereotypical or being done to death. What ever happened to "if it ain''t broke, why fix it?" So long as people like something, why try to be original and break down a tried and true storyline/engine/whatnot? Don''t worry about originality. If your game is good, then it''s good.

That being said, this ressembles what I''d expect to see on TV as a kid''s show, most likely anime-style. Mind you, I''m not saying this is bad. Far from it. It reminds me of stuff I saw that one time I stayed at my old man''s for two weeks while he was gone on vacation (hey, brought my PC over and hooked it up in the living room, right in front of the 40" TV. There''s little else on at 4-5 am...): Yogioh, Pokemon, Bayblade, uh... that''s all that comes to mind but you get the idea.

The thing is, while the concept isn''t original, it seems to appeal to the target audience very, very strongly. Which is very good.

What would the story be like? Or would it just be a play-against-stronger-and-stronger-foes type of game? From personal experience (and preference), the latter loses replay value faster than one with a story. Though either way, I, personally, like it.
You sort of nailed the target audience on the head...

but i would not hold it under the same light as pokemon, or beyblade. That might be just personal bias, or what, i don''t know. Just don''t say that

anyways, it would be by a story mode, but the opponents would natually get harder - they had to go through the same difficulties as your team to get into the tournament.

It would not be modeled like most rpg''s, however, because there would not be levels, or major stats. Just by the collection of new items and weapons.

The "battle mode" would be easiest to do, as I said, first or third person shooter. If there are any suggestions as to what I could do in its place, they are welcome.

I am proudest of the idea of making it possible to actually play on the net, after the player beat the game. Also, the player could download new single player tournament data, really prolongong the life of the game.

The player would be able to customize his character (being that he is controlling the player of the video game, who is in turn in control of the character of the tournament game... confused yet?)and set his species, which would have certain base skills, color, armor and weapons.

I suppose a good question is why involving the main character of the game, the one the player directly controls. Here are a couple of answers I came up with...
- It allows character development unlike just a third person shooter

-sets up some problems in the main characters game world that would require solving in the virtual world.

-this technique is relatively untouched in the gaming world

oh, if you are having trouble understanding this concept, try playing Megaman Battle Network 1, 2, or 3 for gba.
Quote: Original post by EtnuBwahaha. I would've shot the guy in the balls.

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