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Things you'd like to do in a game?

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9 comments, last by Wavinator 23 years, 10 months ago
What do you wish you could do but haven''t been able to do yet in a computer game? For me, it''s court intrigue. I''d love to be able to plot, backstab, sneak around, frame my rivals, and stuff like that. It would be great if it was Shakespearean, sort of like the stuff that goes on in Othello or MacBeth. -------------------- Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
I''d have to answer this game by game sorry so i''ll just name a few on my favourites:
Perfect Dark - As in most fps''s, i would really like an easy to use map editor to make games for deathmatching with friends. Also the ability to edit the weapons attributes, this would be neat.
StarCraft - (rts) I would like it if i could place buildings before the game starts so i can create a more cohesive battle design. Once again, a map editor wouldn''t go astray.

Generally speaking, i wish that in most competitive (human vs human) games there was more opportunities to create (interaction) humourous circumstances. I''m not talking about slap stick humour but a more serious humour. The ability to create humours circumstances is a lot of fun. Has anyone here ever played Circut Breakers?

I love Game Design and it loves me back.

Our Goal is "Fun"!

I''m a sucker for mini-dating-sims in RPG''s. (yes, I am a loser, and yes, I have a girlfriend)

I also like the idea for intrigue/diplomacy.

I''d like to be able to have children, then play as the children when they''ve grown up and my first character is too old. As a corollary to that, I''d like to be able to build up a side-business or kingdom and pass it down to those children, and their children''s children. I like options like these, where you can to some extent choose your players occupation (like in Pirates! where you could be a merchant trader, a cut-throat, a gov''t licensed privateer, etc.)

I mainly like the ability to constructively influence the world, build something up w/out the express purpose of destroying something else.

Umm, I''d like to be able to raise a herd of cattle and a farm. I''d like to be able to start something, skip 500 yrs. into the future and see what has become of it (such as colonize a planet, then have my great-great-great-great-grandkids come back and see statues of the colony''s founder in the town square, and have the descendants of the founder be honored in that colony for their relation to the great founder, or even reviled because the founder thoughtlessly butchered and enslaved the natives)

I like being able to experiment w/ parameters, such as genetics in a game like Monster Rancher (best console game ever, IMO) or personality in a game like the sims.

That''s about it off the top of my head. Problem is, I don''t think I represent your average gamer, but if you included any of these in a game, I could guarantee you at least 1 sale! 8]

But still, the relative popularity of Pirates! after nearly a decade should tell you something.

If you see the Buddha on the road, Kill Him. -apocryphal
If you see the Buddha on the road, Kill Him. -apocryphal
There's a game coming out about pirates from Bethesda soon that looks pretty cool...

Sea Dogs

Edited by - Nazrix on September 9, 2000 5:35:54 PM
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi

Oh man, and I was planning on graduating next year. ;P

Seadogs looks muy fresca, but notice there''s no mention of Sid Meir or Pirates! anywhere? I understand why, but still. . .

(from web site)"Sea Dogs is a game reminiscent of Daggerfall. . ."(which was by the way done by Bethesda)


If you see the Buddha on the road, Kill Him. -apocryphal
If you see the Buddha on the road, Kill Him. -apocryphal
In a game, I''d really like to be actually involved in the events, instead of watching a whole bunch of prescripted events occur outside of my reach (I''m talking half-life here, that game majorly pissed me off). I''d also like to see something more than just different ways of killing people, that kind of thing is really becoming boring across all genres, like I have nothing better to do than experiment with different methods of destroying things.
An RPG where the goal is not to save the world, but rather provide for your family. You have to travel about accomplishing tasks to gain money, so you can buy supplies, buy a better house, buy livestock or whatever.

Then, like Anonymous Poster., take over the role of your children when your character gets too old, and look after the family until you get one of your own.

Sad, but it would be popular - I guaran-damn-tee.

Otherwise, as a general thing, I think games lack disease. If you don''t take good care of your character, you can get sick, and potentially die. You have to be careful of what you eat, caring for your wounds, strange places and people...

Mindphuq Software : "Who do you want to do today?"
"NPCs will be inherited from the basic Entity class. They will be fully independent, and carry out their own lives oblivious to the world around them ... that is, until you set them on fire ..." -- Merrick
quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster.
Seadogs looks muy fresca , but notice there''s no mention of Sid Meir or Pirates! anywhere? I understand why, but still. . .

Actually, the problem could be that they don''t know their history. I don''t know a lot of gamers who know the old school classics unless they played them. Heck, I''ve even met a number of game designers who didn''t know much game history either... which may be why the wheel is reinvented so much.

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
Most of my thoughts have been focused on MMORPGs (on the side I''ve been thinking about an new RTS) so, I will speak mostly about that.

BTW, I''m practicing Wavinator''s philosophy that my ideals aren''t unique and if they are, it''s not long before someone else thinks them up

More intimate relationships between NPCs and PCs.
One thing I''ve been thinking about... If you''ve ever spent any time on IRC, you know that most channels have bots that remember the last time they''ve seen someone - They usually respond to something like "Seen Dak" with "The last time I saw Dak was on..." So, like I said, one thing I''m thinking is you could have a NPC that players could talk to... when they log out they could tell that NPC "Goodbye" or maybe "I''ll be back in an hour."

Then when Kressilac logs in he could find the NPC and ask if he has "Seen Dak" the NPC would respond "Dak is signed out he said, "I''ll be back in an hour" at 14:21 today."

That''s just a small step... I also see NPCs having feelings for other NPCs and PCs that they come in contact with, in fact we are in the design phase for such a system as I write this. (I hope that we get a web page up soon, for VenuSoft''s MMORPG - but, we''re waiting for our final funding to come through).

An extension of the above...
Kressilac tells NPC A that he is leaving.I ask NPC B if he has seen Kressilace - he hasn''t.NPC B knows NPC A and when they meet, NPC B ask if he has seen Kressilac - which he has.NPC B sees me, some time later and relays the message. 

BTW, Kressilac (which many of you might remember) has been busy with a newborn... and I assume that is why he hasn''t posted much in the past 2 months or so.
More intimate relationships between NPCs and NPCs.
NPC - NPC relations should play a big part in the overall story of the game. An example would be a family of NPCs are fueding with another family of NPCs (classic). Then this would allow a PC to take on the challenge to solve the issues that these two clans have with one another. This PC would gain just as much XP (or whatever experience system you employ) as someone who destroyed a band of goblins.

Many more...

Dave "Dak Lozar" Loeser

Dave Dak Lozar Loeser
"Software Engineering is a race between the programmers, trying to make bigger and better fool-proof software, and the universe trying to make bigger fools. So far the Universe in winning."--anonymous
Let''s take each game-type seperately:
RPG''s: I''d like to have more POWER, enough POWER to deify myself, political power to change the world:
Liberte-Equalite-Fraternite and all that stuff! COOL!!
Following a military career, introducing some strategical and tactical elements into RPG are also welcomed.
Strategies: Having played, amoingast others, Sierra''s Lords of the Realm and Lords of Magic and all-time classic Master of Orion 2, I still hope someday they will also include REAL diplomacy (MoO 2 actually did a good job), and trade, like Colonization (Sid Meier''s).
Doom-clones: I have CS, what more can I possibly ask?

Hasta la victoria siempre!
We Shall Overcome!

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