
So who's in?

Started by September 14, 2004 02:17 PM
4 comments, last by Padawan 19 years, 11 months ago
If you intend to enter this contest, please send an email to by Sept. 30, including a brief description of your entry (or entries). Note that you do not have to send an email in order to participate, but we would like to gauge how many entries we'll be receiving to ensure that we have adequate resources in place to support them. Thanks!
So who's in ? How many emails have you received yet and what is the project category distribution ?
Since it seems as though the interest in this contest is a little suspect, I was wondering if one is able to enter in multiple catagories, as I think that once you have a good game it would be a simple matter to make a screen saver or interactive demo based around that engine.
Quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Since it seems as though the interest in this contest is a little suspect, I was wondering if one is able to enter in multiple catagories, as I think that once you have a good game it would be a simple matter to make a screen saver or interactive demo based around that engine.

As I see it (and Im just a random entrant, not officially associated with the contest), as long as each entry meets the requirements for the catagory, I dont think there would be a problem. Although given that the judges are probably looking for intresting sample code/flshy things to show off, I doubt you would be able to win in multiple catagories with essentially the same app.

"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning." -Louis L'Amour
As someone who *is* officially associated with the contest, I'd agree with that statement.

I'm honestly not sure what the level of interest in this contest will be. It was my hope that with some really good prizes, there would be a lot of entrants, but time will tell. At this point I think that anyone who enters will have a pretty good shot at one of the prizes.
I'm in.

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