
when multitexturing?

Started by November 17, 2004 08:09 PM
2 comments, last by Myopic Rhino 19 years, 10 months ago
hi. well, i've got some nice effects using opengl es and brew, but if there were just 2 texture units(not only one) then my app would rock. i want to ask qualcomm staff about 2 things: 1.why depth buffer content cannot by copied? 2.why we dont' have multitexturing? i know that this is not in opengl es 1.0 standard, but wouldn't be nice to implement it as a proprietary OES extension? thanks for your patience and looking forward to read your answers. PS:the deadline is coming, and there are still no submitting instructions.bye all [Edited by - meeshoo on November 18, 2004 2:05:56 AM]
Keep in mind that you're working with a software implementation that by intent has some limitations in order to be consistent with the hardware that we'll be running this on.

The graphics hardware was developed internally by Qualcomm as our first-ever graphics product. As such, we didn't want to be overly ambitious, so our top priority was to implement OpenGL ES 1.0 correctly. We chose not to implement most optional features or any additional features since these would have introduced a great deal of risk.

I don't think there are currently any plans to expose depth buffer reads. Even ATI's mobile hardware doesn't allow this.

Multitexturing won't be available in this hardware version, but it will be in the next generation. Many effects can be accomplished using multipass rendering.

There's no question that OpenGL ES in general and our hardware in particular has some limitations, but there's also no question that you can do some pretty impressive things with it.
hi. thaks for you answer. and there, i had another problem too. but now is too late, get passed over it. whe i tried to rotate a texture around its' center, the texture got skewed really bad. i've used the code from one of mine opengl projects(not es) where it ran perfectelly.
Can you post a screenshot of it?

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