
happy new year

Started by January 04, 2005 05:34 AM
3 comments, last by meeshoo 19 years, 8 months ago
hi there. well, the holiday is over and i'm back to work. it looks i'm the first on the forum in 2005 so HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you and happy coding. Mihai ps:don't you know anything about the contest's results?
well, it looks like my holiday was the shortest of all the members. bad luck :)
The winners have been decided. I'll be emailing them all tonight with a form that we need to have signed and returned before we can award prizes. The total number of entries was fewer than the number of prizes, so everyone who entered will win something.
hi. that's great news. I haven't got my mail yet, but I'm very happy and not very happy that there was so few who submitted there entries.
sorry for troubling, but if you sent those emails last night, they had to be arrived by now, but i didn't receive any. Please inform me if there is anything with my mail address, because I heard there is a 7 days confirmation period, and I don't want to miss it. Thanks a lot, and sorry again for so many questions.

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