
anybody undecided on what graphics lib to use? [secondary contest]

Started by July 21, 2005 04:50 AM
16 comments, last by PnP Bios 19 years ago

hxRender Mini Contest

Interested in winning another $20? Just for using a graphics library? Check out the notice on my web page. For those of you who haven't started coding yet, like me, I just wanted to make you all aware of another option for graphics. Over the past 8 months or so, it has been off and on, I have been working on a graphics library that some of you may find useful. hxRender, the link is in my sig, is a 2d grahpics layer built on top of OpenGL. At the moment, I only have an SDL context for it, but I am assuming that is what most are going to use, so that should be just fine. If you want to see a small demo of what the capabilites are, see the user created games section. In there is a link to a highly addictive 2player hot seat game. I hope to add some more games to the list soon as well. I even have documentation right now, and I will be writing tutorials soon. Just thought you guys might like to know. Cheers. [Edited by - PnP Bios on July 30, 2005 7:48:45 AM]
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One
As a bonus incentive, if any of the top 5 projects use hxRender, I will give them 20 dollars, if that is OK with the powers that be.

This also requires that you provide source with your game to prove that you actualy used it.
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One
I don't plan on doing graphics code until later in my project, but I'll definitely take a look into anything easy to use.
$20 eh? =)

I'm using GLFW, would it be alright if I stripped the SDL portions and used the rest for my game?
Quote: Original post by kyc
$20 eh? =)

I'm using GLFW, would it be alright if I stripped the SDL portions and used the rest for my game?

I'm working on a GLFW context as we speak.
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One
I'm actually already using hxRender for my entry. It's the older 0.7 versio, though. I'm using it with custom initialization code (without SDL). I really like it because you get full HW acceleration, it's extremely lightweight, and you can statically link it. I'd show some screenshots, but there's very little worth showing at the moment (title screen and skeletal editor).
hey, if you find that the old version meets your needs, then more power to you. Chances are that most games won't hit the 256 sprite limmit, but I disabled that cap just the same in the new version.
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One
If you make 2.0 usable without SDL, I'll probably use it for new projects. Besides time (I have everything working with the old lib), the other reason for not switching is that I'm trying to make my entire game fit onto floppy. The SDL library by itself takes too much space for that.

BTW, does the $20 also apply for older versions? (Not that I expect my game to end anywhere that higher, judging from what I've seen from other projects -_-)
hxRender 0.7 is still a viable option. I am going through setting up GLFW and I still have to learn how it works before I can write the port though.

Yeah, $20 for hxRender 0.7

Here is the deal, I am changing things a little bit. If no entries using hxRender make it into the top 5, I will still pay $20 for the top 3 entries using hxRender. Not sure how the payment is going to work, especialy if you live outside the US, but there is probably a way to do it.
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One
That's a very interesting way to promote your product, but why are you so keen - do you wish to sell it or just want the kudos of being able to say "846 game projects are currently using my code"?

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