
Minimum/Suggested Resolution?

Started by July 24, 2005 08:14 PM
18 comments, last by reltham 19 years, 1 month ago
Hey guys, Any ideas as far as what the minimum/suggested resoloution should be for our entries? I'm trying to decide exactly how compact my GUI elements have to be able to be, and beyond that it is helpful to have a general idea of how much room a UI will have to work with. Also, I already have to support widescreen (my monitor's dimension ratio), but is it also something we should expect judges to have? EDIT: I assume that this question is connected with the min card requirements, but I have no idea what resolutions the can (realistically) support.
Turring Machines are better than C++ any day ^_~
I'm going for 800x600 as my standard resolution, I'll consider supporting a few others if time permits. I'm allowing a windowed mode so that any monitors that can't handle the resolution fullscreen (I'm thinking of LCD's that stretch things to native resolution) won't butcher it.

I don't know what the judges will have/expect though.

- Jason Astle-Adams

800x600 sounds sensible to me. I was kinda aiming at 1024x768, but 800x600 would give me a little more room to play with effects etc as I'm mostly fillrate bound. I'd be interested to hear of others default resolutions though.


Cheers,SteveLiquidigital Online
I'm going for 800x600 as default. I could make it optional to set it higer, but then I'd have to make all the gui images larger too, and they already take quite a lot of space (mb).

We'll see ... :p

I think I'm planning on 1024x768, but since it's a 3D game and my GUI is scaleable it shouldn't matter as long as it's high enough to display the text properly.
It should be easy to make a GUI scale even if you use pixel coords instead of relative coords... and having a screen-mode selection is bound to earn a point or two for polish/technical stuff I'd think.
I also will probably allow windowed mode as an option - on a dual monitor setup you could play while having the manual open on the 2nd monitor which would get you aquainted with the game faster.
exactly the same has doogh
You can assume the minimum resolution is 1024x768 (that is your game must support at least one of these resolutions to be judged: 1024x768, 800x600 or 640x480).

However you'll need to consider performance in that - the minimum machine you must support is a 1.5Ghz with a GeForce 2. If your game can't run properly at 1024x768, i.e. <10fps or would require turning off important visual options, then you'll want to support a lower resolution for performance reasons.

Oh, and just as a tip, unless your game is special (i.e. some 2D games), don't limit resolution to a few choices. I can guarentee you some judges will attempt to run your game at obscenely high resolutions using their high end cards and monitors.
Quote: Original post by Michalson
Oh, and just as a tip, unless your game is special (i.e. some 2D games), don't limit resolution to a few choices. I can guarentee you some judges will attempt to run your game at obscenely high resolutions using their high end cards and monitors.

Something like this perhaps?
Quote: Original post by Michalson
You can assume the minimum resolution is 1024x768 (that is your game must support at least one of these resolutions to be judged: 1024x768, 800x600 or 640x480).

However you'll need to consider performance in that - the minimum machine you must support is a 1.5Ghz with a GeForce 2. If your game can't run properly at 1024x768, i.e. <10fps or would require turning off important visual options, then you'll want to support a lower resolution for performance reasons.

Oh, and just as a tip, unless your game is special (i.e. some 2D games), don't limit resolution to a few choices. I can guarentee you some judges will attempt to run your game at obscenely high resolutions using their high end cards and monitors.

Eeehhh.. So my 320 x 200 VGA game is disqualified already..??
Yeah, it has to be atleast 320 x 240.
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