
[4e4] Game Download size

Started by July 28, 2005 08:38 AM
14 comments, last by paulecoyote 19 years, 1 month ago
Why not use something premade, like libpng or libjpeg?
"Walk not the trodden path, for it has borne it's burden." -John, Flying Monk
Quote: Original post by Michalson
If you send us huge entries that are that way because of big wav files, you will lose points (modern games have more then enough CPU power to decode mp3/ogg music). Using wavs for smaller files (sound effects) would be fine, but the entries size should not be bloated from uncompressed file formats...

This is just for a placid state of mind purpose, but what would you prefer in terms of format for the following situation?

I have about eight pieces of music I plan to incorporate into my game. The only instrument in these pieces of music is the piano, and the length of the pieces range from about two minutes to five. Would it be better to choose the midi format and let the computer play it to the user so the overall size of the game is greatly reduced, or go the way of a recording format, say mp3, and have a human play it on a real piano?
Quote: Original post by Xiachunyi
Quote: Original post by Michalson
If you send us huge entries that are that way because of big wav files, you will lose points (modern games have more then enough CPU power to decode mp3/ogg music). Using wavs for smaller files (sound effects) would be fine, but the entries size should not be bloated from uncompressed file formats...

This is just for a placid state of mind purpose, but what would you prefer in terms of format for the following situation?

I have about eight pieces of music I plan to incorporate into my game. The only instrument in these pieces of music is the piano, and the length of the pieces range from about two minutes to five. Would it be better to choose the midi format and let the computer play it to the user so the overall size of the game is greatly reduced, or go the way of a recording format, say mp3, and have a human play it on a real piano?

It's up to you. The point is more that being inefficient with your data formats could cost you points in the technical category - using wav when mp3 would suffice, for example. Dropping down from MP3 to MIDI is going to cause a decrease in audio quality which could cost you points in other categories... like so much else in development it's a tradeoff, and it's up to you to make the call.

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

Thank you for the response SuperPig.
Yeah, you shouldn't be penalised for a few extra Mb to have high-quality music as mp3 - that is a professional game feature. Dropping to MIDI just to save space is foolish unless you want to reduce the download size for other people after the contest.
Although DirectMusic provides a 'better' alternative to MIDI where you use wavs as the note sample. Then you're not reliant on the MIDI implementation on each PC.
To address concerns: I am using ogg - just that I have a talented musician that makes long tracks and depending on how much of the game is done there might be scope for an albums worth of tunes in there. I expect even that much music would weigh in <60 meg though, and to be honest the game is unlikely to be big enough the way things are going to need so much.

I was just doing the engineer over-estimating space requirements thing to test boundaries [wink]

I figure with all this emphasis on graphics others seem to be making, I would try and make my entry an audio feast [smile]
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