
FMOD Roll Call

Started by August 25, 2005 12:58 AM
4 comments, last by d000hg 19 years ago
Of those working on entries, who is using [FMOD] for sound, and which version are you using? Are you recording your own sounds? What software are you using to edit and remix?
*News is my new domain.
At work I just implemented FMOD Ex into the engine, although for sound programs, mixing, etc I couldn't tell you as we farm that out to a studio.
I'm using FMod. I'm also trying to make my own sound effects with the help of my good friend Mister Audacity.
"Sir, it is pie." - Mark TwainThe ArchWizard's site.
I'm using 3.74, and like ArchWizard Audacity.
I am using FMod 3.74 and CoolEdit Pro.
I have my own DirectSound and DirectShow wrapper and utility classes. And I doubt I'l do any sound creation - hopefully I can get someone with some skill for that! Although I do have like Audacity 1.0 on my PC somewhere!

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