
[4E4] Who is your team and what do they do?

Started by August 25, 2005 02:30 AM
22 comments, last by nes8bit 19 years ago
Here's a fun series of questions... 1. So how big is your team? 2. Who is in it? 3. What do they do? 4. Whats their involvement? Edit: Hypothetical example... 1. Two people 2. Me and My buddy 3. I make the game. My buddy makes the software. 4. My buddy works on it every day. I only work on it once a week because I'm a sad panda. :( [Edited by - nes8bit on August 25, 2005 1:22:03 PM]
Solo here.
1. So how big is your team?
Started out just me. Then it grew to 2; currently there are 3 of us (and potentially 1 or 2 who may contibute but aren't part of the project).

2. Who is in it?
Me, Keratin, Sirob.

3. What do they do?
Me: Project manager, Lead programmer, Tools pragrammer (unfortunately)
Keratin: Lead artist & modeller.
Sirob: Special effects programmer.
We'll have to design some maps but I don't know who'll do them - hopefully not just me! I suppose I'm the producer too but perhaps Keratin is, we probably share that currently.

4. Whats their involvement?
I don't see how this is a different question.

I'm working solo on this one, in spite of the crappy graphics that results in. I intend to have the other programmer and artist I usually work with help out with testing however.

The artist I normally work with (not a GDNet member) is actually making his own project as well, using Flash.

- Jason Astle-Adams

Quote: Original post by d000hg
4. Whats their involvement?
I don't see how this is a different question.

Do they affect the project every day?
1. My team involves only one person.
2. I am in it... did I meantion I. Actually, " I am I."
3. Designing, Programming, Art, Audio, Testing, and Product Managing
4. Hardworker, Procrastinator, Know-it-all, Does not know a thing, and Supporter. One more team member may join near the end of October - the one who says we can not finish the game and should just give up.
1. So how big is your team?


2. Who is in it?


3. What do they do?

Coding, scripting, art, music and sound.

4. Whats their involvement?

Whenever I can. Might not be able to finish it in time.
interesting. I thought there would be bigger teams for this contest...
1. It supposed to be 2, but I'm doing most of the work.
2. Me and my friend Oliver
3. I do the coding, models, art + everything else, Oliver is supposed to do art, models and voice-acting.
4. I work on it daily.

1. So how big is your team?
Two people
2. Who is in it?
Selsesstissan and jakem3s90
3. What do they do?
Program, script, model, sound, drink Mountain Dew
4. Whats their involvement?
Daily (Unless our wives have other plans for us)

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