
[4E4] Who is your team and what do they do?

Started by August 25, 2005 02:30 AM
22 comments, last by nes8bit 19 years ago
Did I miss something, or are there no artists in that massive team?
___________________________________________________David OlsenIf I've helped you, please vote for PigeonGrape!
Quote: Original post by tgraupmann
Quote: Original post by nes8bit
I forgot to answer this...

Sheesh! Did you raid a retirement community? Or perhaps dig up graves? Or do your farts smell like roses and people flock to help you out?

I think he's kidding :).
1. So how big is your team?
Three people.

2. Who is in it?
Me, Victor (vb) and Alexander

3. What do they do?
I've done a lot of structuring on the game, and practically been everywhere in the code. I've modelled a palm tree too! :D
Victor has done both coding and modelling.
Alexander does the AI thinking and coding.

4. Whats their involvement?
We've all worked pretty hard (a couple of hours per day), but last two or three weeks less work has been made. Exams and general lack of motivation, I guess. :) But Victor submitted a couple of models to our SVN repository yesterday. And now the PyWeek challenge is over, so I can start working again! :)
------------------"Kaka e gott" - Me
Quote: Original post by tgraupmann
Quote: Original post by nes8bit
I forgot to answer this...

Sheesh! Did you raid a retirement community? Or perhaps dig up graves? Or do your farts smell like roses and people flock to help you out?

I can code, but I do better at designing things. I can design things, but I'm better at being a I just approached this project as a producer more than anything. People understand that. Plus I don't have to sell them on it...they believe in the project as it is.

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