
when is 4e6 starting?

Started by September 10, 2007 12:02 PM
10 comments, last by dmoonfire 17 years ago
Sorry if this post comes off a little strange given the fact there is a 4e6 thread already in existence. But the question was never fully answered as to when 4e6 will start. It was given that it was probably in June, and its September now. The topic then shifted to cross platform issues, so I would like to know from a member of the staff when indeed the contest is going to be announced, started, etc. Any Ideas?
superpig (admin) wrote in the big thread (page 7) that it will start this month.
September 2008. Obviously. Sheesh.
Quote: Original post by viblo
superpig (admin) wrote in the big thread (page 7) that it will start this month.
You can't say page 7 because each user can configure the number of posts per page... for me the thread only has 5 pages!

The pagesize can only be a fixed number of values (25, 50 etc). Since the only pagesize for which a "page 7" exists is 25, specifying the pagesize is unnecessary [wink]
thanks guys, hmm... I must have missed it in there.. somewhere.. that thread was getting WAY to big.
Quote: Original post by PaulCesar
thanks guys, hmm... I must have missed it in there.. somewhere.. that thread was getting WAY to big.

Yeah, if I kept going on about crossplatform, I was going to suggest a topic fork. :) I will admit, I'm hoping to finish CuteGod before 4E6 is announced, but it doesn't look like that will happen. Oh well, I'm also looking forward to *finishing* an entry this year.
Quote: Original post by dmoonfire
Quote: Original post by PaulCesar
thanks guys, hmm... I must have missed it in there.. somewhere.. that thread was getting WAY to big.

Yeah, if I kept going on about crossplatform, I was going to suggest a topic fork. :) I will admit, I'm hoping to finish CuteGod before 4E6 is announced, but it doesn't look like that will happen. Oh well, I'm also looking forward to *finishing* an entry this year.
Okay, but you can't go and throw out an awesome name for a project like 'CuteGod' and then not tell us what it is!
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Quote: Original post by Avatar God
Okay, but you can't go and throw out an awesome name for a project like 'CuteGod' and then not tell us what it is!

If it's the contest I think it is, it's the prototyping a god game challenge over at the Lost Garden using the awesomely cute PlanetCute prototyping tileset.

Sorry about that, I mentioned it in the other thread and then forgot its epic length had it difficult for mere mortals to traverse it. :)

Yeah, the CuteGod is the one from Lost Garden.

Basically the guy provided the graphics and a short design essay on how the game would play out and the object is to see what you can do and what you can add to it. I'm about 50% done with mine, it's playable but not stable (and no installer). (screenies)

There are others who have done a great job also: (XNA) (&#106avascript)

Basically, I'm working on BooGame and trying to make it crossplatform and easier to use. It's an OpenGL 2D engine for .NET and the Tao project. CuteGod gives me an excuse to keep on programming, a neat challenge where I just have to figure out how to implement it, and not to get too anxious for 4E6. :) I'm also desperately hoping to finish it before 4E6 starts.

[Edited by - dmoonfire on September 12, 2007 7:41:30 AM]

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