
[4E6] The Flats

Started by September 28, 2007 07:43 PM
0 comments, last by chuckbo2006 16 years, 11 months ago
A lot of people seem to have picked up on the idea of pony + crystal + explosion = mining of some kind. I am going to follow in the same footprints and attempt the following: You are the son/daughter of a local peasant. You have been hired out to a salt mine owner to act as a trader and, when need be, a miner. Your job is to remove the salt from the mine, send it off to the surrounding villages, and trade it for various goods and supplies, which will be used to expand the mining operation. At the end of every trip you must give your account to the mine owner's book-keeper. When salt production falls below the maximum that you can haul, you need to help with the mining. When it is above the amount you can carry, you need to arrange for additional ponies to help haul the carts. When one of the salt miners is injured or killed you need to fill in in the mines until a new worker is hired. There. All four elements in one simple game, and they all fit well into a story. I am sure I will throw something in like rebellions and graft and politics making life hell for everyone, but I want to start with a small idea. Good luck to us all.
Interesting idea. Will you need farmers to grow food to feed the farmers and ponies? Are explosions part of the mining process or a negative consequence resulting from a buildup of natural gas and a spark. I'm thinking the explosion destroys ponies and miners...requiring the player to acquire more.

2D or 3D? Isometric or topdown 2D?


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