
User Defined Elements...

Started by September 29, 2007 10:31 PM
0 comments, last by Driv3MeFar 16 years, 11 months ago
After re-reading the contest rules, I noticed an entrant can only submit one entry:
Quote: An entrant may only submit one entry. An entry may contain multiple sub-games, but the collection will be judged as a single entry; a good game and a bad game make for an average collection.
I was wondering if it would it be a violation of the rules to allow the user to choose which 3 of the 4 elements (or even all four) to use in the game? For example, say in the main menu upon starting a new game, the player is prompted with something like this: Choose your Elements: ( ) Crystals, Explosions, Accountants, Ponies ( ) Crystals, Explosions, Accountants (o) Ponies, Explosions, Accountants ( ) Ponies, Crystals, Accountants ( ) Ponies, Crystals, Explosions Depending on the choice, the entire dynamics of the game could be different, creating a unique experience depending on the choice. Depending on the differences between the choices, one could view each choice as being a separate game or as being the same game with a different "spin" or "vibe" to it. I guess that would be up to the judges to decide. I doubt I'm going to attempt this because of the shear amount of work that needs to be done to support 5 different combination of elements (let alone making them cohesive) with just a one man team, but maybe a larger team might find it doable. Somehow I find it a bit appealing from a player's standpoint, especially since it could have great potential for replay value. Anyone planning on offering/trying something like this in their entry?
Quote: Original post by cyansoft
I was wondering if it would it be a violation of the rules to allow the user to choose which 3 of the 4 elements (or even all four) to use in the game?

Using 3 of the 4 elements isn't against the rules to begin with, so I don't see why that would be a problem:

Entries that do not include at least three of the four elements will be disqualified. An element must have a significant presence in the game to be considered as included.

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