
[4E6] The Attack Of The Killer Ponies!

Started by September 30, 2007 08:15 AM
1 comment, last by Key_46 16 years, 11 months ago
Title: The Attack Of The Killer Ponies! Genre: FPS / Adveture Setting: In 2005, a group of scientists discovered a unknown type of crystal on a remote island in the middle of the Pacific, the scientists were researchers of a well-succeeded military company, known as SAT. a few weeks later, the SAT installed itself in the island for "researching new types of weapons", the crystal's discovery is maintained in secrecy until today... SAT experts concluded that the crystals had been formed in the first millenium of Earth's solid existence, when there was no Magnetic Field to protect the planet. The energy of the constant Solar winds were stored in the middle of the crystals, giving them a huge potencial in all areas of research. That island is the only place in the world were that type of crystal can be found. History: in 2008. The SAT scientists discovered how to extract the energy from the crystals and transfer it to living cells aiming at develop a "Cure" to all diseases and wounds in a fraction of second. The player(name pending), a Biomolecular engineer, arrives in the SAT's main complex for working, unfortunately, for him, his work in SAT is to monitoring the first experiment of "Omega", the refined energy extracted from crystals, in a living animal... ( guess what type of animal... yes, a Pony! ), in the course of the experiment something go wrong, the Omega starts to behave erratically, turning a group of test subjects (ponies) into deformed monsters, spreading the Omega across the facility, tranforming everithing into "zoombies" Now it's up to you to discover the rest :) Engine: my personal DirectX 3D Engine. EDIT: i will try to put the basics: -Shadow maps -a few bump mapping -relection/refraction for water, crystals, ice, glass... -maybe Bloom... i am worried about fps but if Quake 4 runs OK in my 5200 with shadows off... so i think my demo will be OK at 640/480... 3rd party: PhysX for phisics simulation. EDIT: the plan for the demo is to show at least 4 demo levels: Welcome to SAT - intro. Bad day today - the accident. Power Plant 2 - a great KABOOM in the final. CR0 mine - Crystal (CR0) extraction mine. So, what do you think? i've been working on the history for a quite months, this 4E fits like a glove in my original history, and sorry for my English ^^ Key_46 [Edited by - Key_46 on September 30, 2007 7:01:10 PM]
Hi Key_46,
It seems you've taken a story and modified it a bit to fit the 4 elements. I see you are using ponies and crystals throughout the game.

How about the kaboom? Is there just a single one at the end of the game? Or does the player go about blowing this nasty ponies to bits? =)

Will you add an accountant?

Have you used the PhysX API for physics before? What's your opinion of it? I've built my own crude physic class but nothing too realistic. I've been thinking about playing with an existing engine.


hi Chuck,

The Kaboom... i will try to put some explosions here and there, not to much repeatitive. i will also give to the player a bazooka-like weapon, so the player will blow ponies ^^

As for the accoutant... i don't exactly know how to use one in the game context, i am thinking about a SAT's "great council" of accoutants that huried the first test for monetary reasons...

And about the PhysX...i have already worked with it and i realy recomend, because, in my opinion it is well documented, easy to learn, use, and with a lot of examples from just a box creation to complex coth, fluids and soft objects.

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