
[4E6] The crystalline Wars

Started by October 02, 2007 04:09 PM
5 comments, last by d000hg 16 years, 11 months ago
idea: The crystalline Wars (FPS) Accountants from neighboring island bring army and overthrow the government to gain crystals because they're economy is not strong enough and unbalanced. Generals of Player's army get together and decide to fight the enemies/new government(Obviously has explosions). Title isn't set in stone yet, but at least it sounds better than crystal wars :P sounds smarter... Any Feedback?
You need to expand on it a tad bit more. The above gives you a direction to use but it doesn't quite explain enough of the game mechanics or storyline for people to give you good feedback. Title sounds neat tho.

Check out my 4E6 progress!( Personal Guarantee! You will NOT get rick-rolled. )
Thanks on the compliment for the title :)
I'm only looking for a general plot right now. Going to draw it out once I get the framework for the game down.

First screen too!
Feel free to post your project in the 4E6 Unofficial Screenshot Thread.
when i think of crytals on islands i have sth. like this in mind:

maybe it inspires you...

I really like the idea of isles + crystal :)
bumping for more feedback...

Thought I'd link to it... looks like when I first started on a heightmap engine, many years ago.

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