
[4E6] Plurality of elements?

Started by October 15, 2007 05:52 PM
1 comment, last by Moe 16 years, 11 months ago
I am pretty sure this question may have already been answered, but I would just like to make sure before the majority of my design gets set it stone: Does including one of each element (or three out of the four elements) count as the inclusion of that element? For example, if my game includes one accountant, one pony, and one crystal, does that count or do I need multiple ponies, multiple accountants, and multiple crystals? (It's a given that they would have a "significant presence" in the game). I figured I would just double check this, as I don't want to start work on something that doesn't meet the requirements.
Having just one of an element is fine.
Ah, many thanks.

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