
[4E6] Attack of the mutant ponies

Started by January 09, 2008 12:01 PM
8 comments, last by dmatter 16 years, 5 months ago
Here's a set of Flash videos of my progress on the engine I'm bringing to the competition. 1 2 3 4 5 6 I'm planning to have an intro video completed this weekend. - Valles
Nice engine.. it seems you've put a good deal of effort into it. I especially like the world view in the editor. Good luck in the competition!
Thanks xLinear, yeah I've been working on it for a long time. Hopefully the game is fun, right now its not.

- Valles
That does look pretty cool. I have a great respect for people who have the guts to code tools.
Here are my latest additions:

This month will be all artwork and sleepless nights.

- Valles

One more bad guy and I'll start making levels.
I'll likely rework the mutant ponies tomorrow, try to make them more frightening.

2 weeks remaining and I'm feeling the time crunch.
CRUNCH! CRUNCH! CRUNCH! I've 6 items remaining on my task list.

- Valles
I like that roofing video, though I notice the screen only moves by one cell once the character is pushing on its bounds; it's probably nicer if the screen kept the player centered, or if the screen moved in one large screen-sized chunk one player reached the side.

Good work though [smile]

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