
[4E6] Adventure in Crystal Palace

Started by February 11, 2008 06:33 PM
2 comments, last by Boder 16 years, 7 months ago
Adventure in Crystal Palace (Working title) This game is aimed to put a new twist on the most cliche things in the video game world. For example here is the main character: Duke Its going to be a 2D side scroller with lots of fast paced action. Hopefully you will like it! I will update more when I get more done...
Hi, what tech and tools do you use?

Have you made a side scroller before?
I am using SDL on Linux. I have only ever made games using things like BlitzBasic and DarkBasic so this is kinda different. I am making good headway and I am not too worried because if I run into problems I can always visit the forum!
Cool, good luck!

Be careful with a horizontal scrolling game in SDL, because sometimes tearing can be very noticeable. We had this issue in a game I worked with before it switched to OGL.

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