
[4E6] Spare No Evil

Started by March 14, 2008 01:35 PM
3 comments, last by vrihai 16 years, 5 months ago
I'll think of a less generic title later :) Yea, this is for 4E and I've been working on it since 20th December 2007. Its a little idea I got off a small flipbook animation I made back in September. Got nearly everything sketched and figured out but I haven't been able to work on it much lately, and doubt I'll meet the deadline. Hell, I'm posting it anyway. Now I got 3 games in the works, just great. -_- Anyhow, the Plot goes something likes this: Kid is playing outside, he glimpses something odd moving about, chases it into a forest and stumbles into an abandoned residence. There's nothing to be seen there except for a lone snowman. The kid walks upto, picks its fallen nose off the ground and places it in position. He then draws a smile across the snowmans face. Just then, a cold wind blows, the gates slam shut and the snowman comes to life. Its claws barely miss the kid before he turns and runs. He trips over and lands flat on his face. The ground is wet, he looks up to see a garden hose. Scrambling to his feet, he pulls it and aims squarely at his fast approaching enemy. The force of the blast sends the kid against the walls behind him, and when he can finally open his eyes, there's nothing left in front of him but a mound of snow, tree branches and a carrot. More snowmen begin to rise, and the kid breaks into the house through a window. Inside he finds a watergun, and then faces the Battigans, batlike creatures. He manages to use his new weapon to keep them at bay but its too cramped inside to keep on fighting. He's left with no choice but to go outside and face the onslaught of snow creatures. Gameplay: - You use the W A S D keys to move the character, the mouse to aim and shoot. - When you run out of 'ammo', you would have to reach any one of the predefined 'stations' to refill ammo. In each level, you have least one of these areas. - In addition to the ammo in your gun, you have a backpack reserve which can be used to reload your gun(s). This is also refilled when you reach a station. - You use the Q key to throw snowballs at enemies. It won't reach very far and the damage is very low, but it can cancel an enemies attack. You cannot be throwing snowballs and moving at the same time. - You use the E key to kick enemies and knock them to the ground. Damage is decent and you can kick multiple enemies at once, but it is very short ranged, so it's a bit of a high risk, high reward system. - You use the Spacebar to make dive rolls in any direction to avoid attacks. - The camera is fixed and you're in an enclosed area, for now. Enemies re-spawn constantly from various locations. - You upgrade your weapons, and get new ones by trading 'Silver crystals' that the enemies drop. How the trade takes place will be revealed as you play the game. - They also drop 'Eco crystals' that heal you. What's planned: - More types of crystals. - Upgrade for Backpack reserve, which increases total amount of ammo you carry. - Grenades (ie Water balloons, etc). - More types of weapon upgrades. - More detailed backgrounds. - Possibly the integration of the classical 4 elements, either for the weapons or for the enemies. I realize the idea of using water against water-based enemies is silly. I could have elemental weaknesses instead. - Customizable keys. - You find out more about the residence, its inhabitants and why all this is happening as you progress. What was planned but ditched: - A stamina bar; something I considered because snowballs are unlimited, and you can kick and dive roll anytime you want. But after some play testing I think it works well without one. The player has enough to worry about as it is. - Special water blast attack; I'm still not sure on this one, an attack to hose down all nearby enemies which halts the refill stations supply for a long period of time. Elements: Crystals - check Explosions - check (though not in yet technically) Ponies - check (same as above) Accountants - ? (I think I'm ditching this one) The Kick >D Upgrades Stats & Indicators: Stats Crits & Comments welcome :) [Edited by - vrihai on March 14, 2008 5:14:10 PM]
graphics look pretty tight, like theyre vectorized. did you use illustrator? i'm working on a game with a somewhat simliar style (i'm working on 3 games too! feels like youre spreading yourself too thin right? haha)
anyway, are you using an engine?
I'm using Flash 8, so yea, obviously vector graphics. No, I'm not using an engine, it was written from scratch. Working on three games is a bit much actually. More like swinging back & forth between projects.
oh right, flash. i didnt even think of that..
Some sketches of enemies and their in-game counterparts.


Snowman Sketch


Slubber Sketch


Cupith Sketch

Getting freakier..


Cracken Sketch

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