
UFEC Official Information Post

Started by October 17, 2009 01:54 PM
14 comments, last by Lesan 14 years, 4 months ago
I think its great you've found three sponsors already for the contest!
Keep up the good work.
Im in, will post more.
start on the day of this post (night)

It will be a 2D action Game, the name may change , but the game will remain the game

Good luck everyone and a pleasant evening.
Have Fun
Hi Lesan,
Thanks for organizing this. I almost missed the notification because it's not posted here.

Good job on getting two sponsors.

Here's a thought on judging. Contests lose all sorts of validity when judging fails to happen on time. The 4E6 languished forever because the judging fell apart. Several people invested 6 months of their lives working on the contest only to have their efforts not rewarded by judging.

I compete over at It's open to all programmers. The prize is only glory but the competition and motivation are high. The two judges do a very good job getting feedback to the programmers within 2 weeks. If you haven't taken a look, you might want to register (free) and visit the Game Challenge forum.

I've got 6 weeks remaining in the current competition. After this time I'll consider joining the UFEC contest.

Thanks again,

The judging period has begun.

All (contestants and non-contestants alike) are welcomed to judge submitted entries.

  • To judge, create an account on the UFEC website (do not fill in game title, screenshots and links if you don't compete), then go to the list of entries and click "Submit feedback"
  • Read carefully the instructions on the top of the page. Do NOT try to put alphabetic characters in the boxes where only numbers should be. Trust me - it won't work. And if it does, it will ruin the system. Truth is, I haven't tried myself. But I guess it should do nothing. It will simply invalidate the form.
  • Submit feedback. You need not score everything. For each category that you score, you must submit feedback in words, not only numbers. You may change your feedback later, up until April 20th.

rip-off, ne0_kamen, could you give an estimate when your entries will be completed?

I missed this update. I had actually planned on submitting whenever the judging interface was done, but that can't really happen right now. I am aiming for Friday as the most realistic date. Tomorrow night is possible, though unlikely.

Results will be online in just a few minutes.

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