
[UFEC] Voting for element sets

Started by October 30, 2009 03:53 AM
5 comments, last by Aiursrage 14 years, 10 months ago
The "winner" element set is Evolution-Proliferation-Warer-Fire. The following results are taken from the web now, a week after the end of the voting period but I don't think any significant changes have been made during this time. So here they are: (votes averaged and truncated) 3.385(Protector - Religion - Time - Fortress) 3.385(Evolution - Proliferation - Water - Fire) 3.250(Time Constraint - City - Isolation - Communication) 3.250(Dying earth - Travel - Magic - Love) 3.231(Chain Reaction - Force - Light/Darkness - Current (of air, water, ...)) 3.154(Ocean Floor - Meteor - Shadow - Force-balance) 3.154(Force - Electricity - Chain Reaction - Nature) 3.143(Eclipse - Time - Ice - Protector) 3.091(Forest - Rain - Accident - Balance) 3.077(Heat - Delusions - Imagination - Silence) 3.071(Epidemic - Electricity - Fortress - Heat) 3.000(Survival - Alchemy - Puzzle - Food) 3.000(Chain Reaction - Force - Light/Darkness - Sound) 2.929(Superstition - Distress Signal - Fire - Force) 2.818(Maze - Physics - Winter - Panic) 2.769(Comedy - Tragedy - Puzzle - Action) 2.750(Despair - Horizon - Flame - Clouds) 2.727(Water - Fire - Earth - Ice) 2.727(Water - Fire - Earth - Air) 2.727(Primitive - Plague - Plants - Competition) 2.714(Full Moon - Electricity - Fortress - High temperature) 2.692(Faith - Prophecy - Love - Anger) 2.692(Alternate Worlds - Light - Tug-of-War - Agreement) 2.545(Water - Fire - Metal - Ice) 2.500(Perpetual Motion - Rodents - Meteor - City) 2.462(Avalanche - Power - Vessel - Beast) 2.167(Writing - Science - Transformation - Prismatic Light) 2.154(Waterfall - Portal - Prismatic light - Unhappy end) EDIT: I noticed the Warer instead of Water in the first line but I like the word Warer so I keep it this way. :D EDIT2: The statement above is a joke. Warer is not one of the elements. Water is. It's just that a I like the word warer. And it even has sense (see Aiueseage's post) You can discuss it here. [Edited by - Lesan on October 30, 2009 3:41:52 PM]

Evolution and proliferation are nice elements, as an AI student I hope to be able to come up with some nifty game mechanics that use these elements. Water and fire are not my favorite elements, but they are easily incorporated I think (on the other hand: they are not that easy to render realistically).
They aren't exactly my favourite elements,but I think they will make it just fine.
Besides,I think the contest will be even more intresting this way,because I didn't expected this set.

Good luck with the designing stage!
define proliferation. At least I needed that.. =)
Do you mean Warer or water.
Edit: Okay it is Warer.
1. watchful, wary, or cautious.
2. aware; conscious.
–verb (used with object)
3. to beware of (usually used in the imperative).

  /prəˌlɪfəˈreɪʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [pruh-lif-uh-rey-shuhn] Show IPA
Use Proliferation in a Sentence
See web results for Proliferation
See images of Proliferation
1. the growth or production of cells by multiplication of parts.
2. a rapid and often excessive spread or increase: nuclear proliferation.

I am going to evolve my firefighter skills, ensuring to be "cautious" as there is fire "spreading everywhere".
I dream hard of helping people.
Quote: Original post by Aiursrage
Do you mean Warer or water.
Edit: Okay it is Warer.
Nope, it is Water:

A good mix of elements, I think - some ideas already floating around in my head.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

Quote: Original post by swiftcoder
Quote: Original post by Aiursrage
Do you mean Warer or water.
Edit: Okay it is Warer.
Nope, it is Water:

A good mix of elements, I think - some ideas already floating around in my head.

Okay good catch. When the statement below I thought he was serious, so its good to clear it up.
EDIT: I noticed the Warer instead of Water in the first line but I like the word Warer so I keep it this way. :D
I dream hard of helping people.

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