
[UFEC] ENTRY: Bio Hazard

Started by November 21, 2009 07:02 PM
1 comment, last by Glinka 14 years, 5 months ago
Image by Taishindo - BIO HAZARD - I was very excited to find this contest began, and recently too. I'm reletively new to the community but I've loved what I've seen so far. The game I will submit is called BIO HAZARD and I should hope to convey all the 4 elements. The story is about 80% complete at this time, and I will start working on the code right away, I have a day job so this will be compiled by the light of the moon ;0. As I've said, I'm very excited about this and look forward seeing you all out there, on the feilds of gaming battle :). So lets talk about the game. The game is a double dragon style 2D game, It is about a group of friends who do battle for their home. I'll be using a gdk - Dark GDK The platform will be Windows Start Date: Nov 20, 2009 Estimated Completion Date: Jan 2010 Estimated File Size: Less than 100Mb Prototype and Demo Release Date: Lets say in time for Christmas (I'll make it so, even if unready) ______________________________________________________________________ |__________________________STATUS_____________________________________| <Nov 21, 2009> Scripting Game Substructure, Drawing Sprites <Nov 26, 2009> TextFile Store and Video Playback Bugs Resolved <Dec 19, 2009> Wel bills, work, a reposesed truck, disconnected electricity, -30 weather, and me, might prevent me from entering this contest with a good entry. arrg! sorry boys I have priorities to deal with. I would hope to handle these things before the entry submision date. dont count me out just yet, this shouldnt be a dud entry, even if I have to call Captain Planet ______________________________________________________________________ ========================================================= - BUGS / ISSUES - ======================================================== I'm pretty much a programming noob so I have some questions about how to do 2 basic things, I can still go ahead and work on the game and deal with these things later but I'll post here if anyone knows off hand -How do I get the game to play a video file in the window? [Resolved] -So is there a way to read from a text and store the data to a variable? Resolved] These 2 bugs I'm sure I will deal with as I work on the project, but maybe u can assist if you know. [Edited by - Glinka on December 19, 2009 11:13:26 AM]
Hi and welcome to the contest! Good luck.

As for your questions, I won't help you much.
1. Dark GDK should have some sort of video playback implemented. If it hasn't, you have a problem. In that case, you can either use the frame-by-frame technique you proposed or create a semblance of video in real time (you can make characters move and so on using programming code, not using any video), or you can put only intro video in there, separately in the game folder. The first option is obviously the best, try to ask on DarkGDK forums.
2. If you are using .NET, you may use System.IO.File functions. If not, you can use C++ functions for file input/output. Look for "C++ read text from file" on google.
This Entry has been Withdrawn.

(Save your posts before hitting submit!!!!!)

Looking forward to the other unfinished symphonies!

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