
[UFEC] Forest Defense

Started by December 05, 2009 12:00 PM
12 comments, last by rip-off 14 years, 4 months ago
bravo, a fun game :)

I used such a defense as in the following screenshot:

it has been pretty much autonomous once established in around 30 wave, all the way through wave 63. The last three water guns almost never fired until wave 55 or so.

runs smoothly on my laptop. the game play feels very good.

a couple of suggestions:
- crashes each time exiting the game, maybe some resources are not released?
- would be nice if the HUD buttons could have a third state to indicate "selected".
Hello,first thanks for the positive comments.
I've been working hard lately to publish the beta,and as the deadline for the voting is on our doorstep,here it is :
Download Beta

Some of the major features included are :
Added 2 more levels : the beta map,and the gamma map
Added the ability to use weather after level 30 (Snow and Rain)
Improved gui and added main menu
Added configurator,which supports different resolutions and fullscreen/windowed mode.
Fixed 'supercharging' effects on turrets (that's when they don't attack an enemy,but their delay timers are still going on,causing them to have a 'free' shot when an enemy approaches)
Fixed the behaviour of GodsGift turrets (Before,when 2 gods gift turrets targeted the same elemental,if the 1st goes out of range,the elemental was released from the effect of the 2nd)
Fixed the behaviour of Necromancers (They are now correctly spawning Elementals in their place when the die)
Fixed the chargig of turrets while the game is paused

Still didn't have time to :
Better texturing
More balancing

The game's difficulty has been increased to keep the player's interest.
I hope the 2 additional levels spark enough interest in some of you to try the game again.

Thanks for playing.

[Edited by - ne0_kamen on April 26, 2010 1:13:42 PM]
Quote: Original post by ne0_kamen
Hello,first thanks for the positive comments.
I've been working hard lately to publish the beta,and as the deadline for the voting is on our doorstep,here it is :
Download Beta

Some of the major features included are :
Added 2 more levels : the beta map,and the gamma map
Added the ability to use weather after level 30 (Snow and Rain)
Improved gui and added main menu
Added configurator,which supports different resolutions and fullscreen/windowed mode.
Fixed 'supercharging' effects on turrets (that's when they don't attack an enemy,but their delay timers are still going on,causing them to have a 'free' shot when an enemy approaches)
Fixed the behaviour of GodsGift turrets (Before,when 2 gods gift turrets targeted the same elemental,if the 1st goes out of range,the elemental was released from the effect of the 2nd)
Fixed the behaviour of Necromancers (They are now correctly spawning Elementals in their place when the die)
Fixed the chargig of turrets while the game is paused

Still didn't have time to :
Better texturing
More balancing

The game's difficulty has been increased to keep the player's interest.
I hope the 2 additional levels spark enough interest in some of you to try the game again.

Thanks for playing.

good to hear two more maps are coming, i'll play it later today
You updated slightly too late to have it count in my scoring. More maps was one of the things I highlighted. I hope to get a chance to play this maybe midweek.

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