
[UFEC] Aqualunker

Started by December 17, 2009 06:04 PM
1 comment, last by Whatz 14 years, 9 months ago
Aqualunker (water +spelunker) A 2D scroller, shooter, platformer, adventure game for Windows PC. The player must fight and think their way through a vast underwater/underground cave system, completing a few quests along the way. The world runs from a single map - zone loading is transparent. Player progress persists between games via several altar savepoints in the world. I'm using a homegrown engine written in Delphi 7 / OpenGL. I've got the game basics working, which is good because I have a long way to go fleshing out the world map =) A few screen shots: 1) world editor 2) oyster on the half polygon, anyone? 3) reaching an air pocket just in time full size one two three
--- "A penny saved never boils."
Looks good. I hope you'll finish in time.

How you will implement the elements?
Water will be represented by swimming and current, mostly. There will be at least 2 more uses of water in the game. Water is hard for me to animate. I've tested a few ideas but nothing looks very good. Anyway, the game should have pretty waterfalls, but they'll probably look pretty stupid haha.

Fire is driven by a volcano in the game. The game has both underwater areas and underground areas, and so the effects from the volcano will be represented differently for each. Underwater, there will be boiling water hazards, hot gas vents, and hot walls. Out of water, it's pretty much the standard fire stuff. Fire-based attacks/defenses, and fire/lava/heat hazards.

For Evolution, I plan to take the easy route and evolve the main character. I've got some other ideas so there may be more.

Proliferation will mostly be a feature of certain enemies, such as bats. And maybe fire =)

I've got a long way to go, but I'm pretty sure I'll have it all done in time. I haven't worked on sound effects yet, so I've got that on my to-do list. I also have to improve the looks of many models, such as my 4-faced oysters, and 2-faced bats haha. And the world itself, of course. I've only got like 10% of the world filled in so that's going to take the most time of all.
--- "A penny saved never boils."

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