
Report Progress

Started by February 15, 2010 04:37 AM
24 comments, last by rip-off 14 years, 5 months ago
So, should the deadline be remain on March 17th (four days from now) or should it be moved?

Unless someone has another idea, there will be no set deadline. Upload your setup file anywhere and put a link in Your Entry section on the UFEC website. On March 20th, a judging interface will be ready, where every registered user will be able to submit feedback and vote on other entries. Voting only without feedback is not acceptable.

There will be a judging period up to April 10th (three weeks). You can submit your entry during this period but if you submit late, you might not get much feedback.

Though I don't think all this will matter much. It doesn't seem we'll have as many entries as I hoped for.
have been working very hard for the past month (luckily I've got tons of free time). I think I'll be able to upload my entry before mar 17.
I think I will launch an alpha in a few days (missing the deadline though).
I've been dealing mainly with different optimizations lately, which indeed took longer than expected.
Still my current plan is to release an 'almost completed alpha' early in the judging period and update as needed.

Looking forward to play some of my competitors' games!
Finally uploaded my entry, it's called Lord of the Elementals. Everyone is welcome to try it!

There's a good chance you'll run into some bugs (because i really didn't have much time to test thoroughly), so let's pray they won't do permanent damage to your computer, or your body.
OK, I used WikiFortio to upload my game. Unfortunately I did not manage to compile on Windows. Sun has a free virtual box, which you can use on Windows to install Ubuntu without any problems (did it myself).

There's a good chance you'll run into some bugs (because i really didn't have much time to test thoroughly), so let's pray they won't do permanent damage to your computer, or your body.

Quote: Original post by XDigital
OK, I used WikiFortio to upload my game. Unfortunately I did not manage to compile on Windows. Sun has a free virtual box, which you can use on Windows to install Ubuntu without any problems (did it myself).

looked at your discussion thread and wow'ed. your graphics is amazing! too bad i don't have a ubuntu at hand, but I'll definitely play your game once I get that virtual box working.

[Edited by - fang on March 18, 2010 2:33:29 PM]
PhpMyAdmin on our host's server doesn't work well and I forgot the names of the columns and I'm just too lazy to write a script to give me the names so the judging system will have to wait. Hopefully it will be up in a few days. Judging period will be prolonged accordinly, for now to March 17th.

Once some more people post their entries (I hope for ne0_kamen and rip-off, at least), I'll post an invitation for judges in the Your Announcements forum and on the main page.
I checked out the two games posted, very nice! =)
Didn't play enough to learn any good strategies yet, but I'll try again later and post my opinions with the judging system.

I started to make a game of my own, but unfortunately I didn't finish in time, and it's mostly still a prototype, though playable. I'm not sure if it qualifies, in respect to the evolution element.. you get upgrades that increase your firepower, but the main evolution element was supposed to be that the aliens you fight evolve from level to level, but I didn't get that far. The other elements are that you shoot fire, some enemies proliferate by dividing in 2, and the third level is under water.

Here's a link to the game if anyone wants to try. It's XNA, and only uses SM 2.0, but when I tried it on a Win7 machine with integrated graphics it failed to work, so probably requires a bit better hardware.. not really optimized, wastes some memory. No sounds, and warning for programmer art, made everything myself in blender. =)
It doesn't matter if it is not a fully functional game.

Would you please submit it anyway?
I have a question on the judging system. When pressing submit feedback, some of the entries have information already filled in.. is that just because I haven't submitted anything, or am I supposed to add to what others have written?
Just so that I don't overwrite something someone else has written.

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