
Next Contest: Call for developer

Started by March 18, 2010 04:49 PM
-1 comments, last by XDigital 14 years, 6 months ago
Hi there, I know, the UFEC contest is not yet finished. But I received information from Intel, that the next LevelUp 2010 contest is on the threshold: LevelUp 2010. Anyone willing to make a party and join forces? If you need some references about me refer to my Dev Log. I already have some ideas on a new game but am also very open to other ideas. It would be very important to support during the complete phase and especially during the end of the project where usually the motivation goes to zero... I mean, just placing an idea or some first graphics is not what I'm looking for. I'm searching for a 50% partner(s). Sourceforge offers some great cvs support and I'm still looking to support MAEMO ( uses SVN). MAEMO is great chance for indies to launch and publish games. It is LINUX and everything is open (OpenGL ES, SDL seems to be supported, QT, etc.) Any voluntueers?

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