
[UFEC] Primordial Blues

Started by March 28, 2010 07:01 PM
5 comments, last by rip-off 14 years, 5 months ago
This is the game I was making for UFEC. Due to time constraints (I only started around Christmas) I didn't complete it. Most of the basic ideas are there, but it is very rough around the edges. I wouldn't submit it only for there have been few enough entries anyway (at the time of writing I'm guaranteed third place!) and that I promised myself I would. I'm not even 100% about that third place, I could be disqualified because my game doesn't fulfill all the criteria, and the lateness of my submission should surely count against me. [smile] Game link. Its a java jar, which I have written a windows batch file to launch. It hope it should be reasonably easy to get it to work on other platforms, but I haven't tried. Screenshots: I hope that by playing it you might see what I was trying to achieve, even though I didn't get there in the end. I do hope to come back to this game in the near future, but I've spent the last 2/3 weeks desperately trying to clean it up, fix lots of bugs and flesh out the gameplay and I need a break from it for a while. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy what can be enjoyed [grin]
quite an fun idea. played for half an hour and finally beated the game :D

the green swinging bar is really a killer! i think i lost ~30 critters to them. the level design are straightforward but interesting.

i didn't quite get how to use the proliferation mode though. in that mode i thought when I click on a critter it's supposed to be healed and grow bigger, but it only splitted into smaller ones. also the armored mode seems invincible, i don't see why i would use any other mode once i discovered this.

a nice and fun game after all! i'll leave a feadback on ufec site once i get to play it more.
Fair criticism. I spent so long trying to clean out bugs that I didn't really have enough time to tweak and balance the game. The armoured critters in particular are way too strong, but its almost necessary to get past some of the more demanding obstacles - like the green windmill, which I should probably have slowed down in hindsight.

Thanks for playing!
Nice and original game (at least I haven't played anything like it).
Just to ask how many levels are there?
I finished 3-4 and then the game exited,without saying if I won,or if there was an error of some kind.
Although now when I come to think about it,the theory that I won is an error by itself :)
I didn't have enough time to slap a main menu on it, so it just crashes out when it runs out of levels. I might see about fixing that in the next day or two, it shouldn't be too hard to get in an ugly menu of some description.
You don't even need a menu for this,a simple MessageBox saying "Congratulations!" would be helpful enough :)

This behavior reminds me of my first game,which I coded to load level(1).txt..level(n).txt,so that a user could add a level(n+1).txt to the directory and play.
Of course I didn't implement any checking mechanism,so when the game runs out of levels it just crash.
Funny times.
I've uploaded a new version (same download link). It features fixes for certain bugs, a very ugly and simple "main menu" so it no longer bombs out when the game is over - though it still doesn't make it very clear that this was the last level.

I've also tweaked the gameplay a little, taking fang's suggestions into account. I only spent a couple of hours tonight at it, so I didn't get to balance it, but its a little more reasonable now. It actually costs something to evolve now, whereas before somehow it didn't (it was supposed to). The cost for evolution, healing and splitting have been increased, but the rate of "background" points have been increased a bit too. The armoured critters have been toned down from 10 times as resistant to merely twice as resistant. Fire does more damage, before it barely did anything - unless the critter got stuck in a fire and couldn't escape... The bouncing critters appear to be horribly broken, I might get a chance to fix them over the weekend.

I also forgot to mention, you can press "R" to skip a level. Other than that = the keyboard is full of hazards at the moment, there are a few debug hotkeys, so I don't recommend experimenting with keys. One of the things on my TODO list is to disable all the debug stuff with one global configuration option.

Of course I didn't implement any checking mechanism,so when the game runs out of levels it just crash.

Mine was similar, except it did check. But it tried to valiantly continue despite the lack of level, which caused a crash in some other code. With the new system it should be fixed.

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