
League of Legends

Started by December 04, 2011 03:28 AM
22 comments, last by Tom Sloper 12 years, 9 months ago
Hello, i'm a complete novice to programming. I came to this forum because I was inspired by the game League of Legends. I am wondering if anyone knows if the game has it's own game engine or if it was made through another game engine. Is there a way to know this right off the bat? (if any game has it's own engine) Also, I am wondering where should I start if I want to start programming games? As in, which languages should I learn? Would it be useful to major in something like computer science? Or can I keep my business major and program on the side? Thanks, sorry for being such a novice :)
Many of your questions are answered in this forum's FAQ. Scroll up and click the link.

As for your LoL question, look it up on Wikipedia.

-- Tom Sloper --

Thanks Tom. How about the major question?

Thanks Tom. How about the major question?

While I think the faq is nice this is a bit better I belive...

I don't usually try to advertise to people about things but if you aren't a complete computer nerd already(assuming you're not since you're a business major) This guy does a bunch of tutorials on pretty much anything out there. They aren't going to be everything you need to know but they will defiantly get you started to a point where you can get a book or use google to find out the more in depth stuff.
The New Boston

I would always recommend starting in C++ but it isn't for everyone. C++ is one of the most versatile languages out there and if you can learn it with a Graphics API on top (Open GL or Direct X ect....) I think you get the most benefit from it. If you're thinking of making something like LoL I would think if you couldn't find some sort of engine this would be the way to go. There's always going to be a debate on what language is "best" but everything has it's place.

For learning c++ book wise I'd suggest
C++ Primer plus 5th edition
I used this book and it was a great help. It gives exercises with each chapter which is nice.

for graphic API I'd suggest you learn Open GL assuming you want the game cross platform.
OpenGL SuperBible

Hello, i'm a complete novice to programming. I came to this forum because I was inspired by the game League of Legends. I am wondering if anyone knows if the game has it's own game engine or if it was made through another game engine.

While League of Legends is a commercial product build on in-house technology, the game is just a variation on Defence of the Ancients, which was just a custom map for Warcraft III (built in the game's map free editor).

And that's a very good way to learn many aspects of game development. Modding an existing game allows you to focus on designing compelling gameplay/stories, without having to deal with all the technological complexities.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

I've been reading that Python is a good language to start with, and definitely shouldn't start with C++. Why is that? And how would you put a Graphics API ontop? I don't follow.. A little confused "and if you can learn it with a Graphics API on top (Open GL or Direct X ect....) I think you get the most benefit from it".. Swiftcoder, are you saying that they used the warcraft3 map editor to design their game? Or do they have their own game engine? It looks like its custom. Is it necessary to be a CS major to be a good progammer? I just got into my business major anyway.. first year in college :P
It seems to be an in-house engine as far as I can tell. Other than that:

I've been reading that Python is a good language to start with, and definitely shouldn't start with C++.

Yes, it is. So is C#.

Why is that?

Because C++ is the proverbial hornet nest; sure, walk right on in if you want, but take it from wiser heads that this is not recommended for a rookie.

And how would you put a Graphics API ontop?

"ontop" of what?
I don't follow.. A little confused "and if you can learn it with a Graphics API on top (Open GL or Direct X ect....) I think you get the most benefit from it"..

I'd think the meaning here is "once you've learnt a language, you can learn a graphics API afterwards".

Swiftcoder, are you saying that they used the warcraft3 map editor to design their game?

Yes. DOTA was made with WC3's internal editor; he wasn't saying that LoL used the same, no.

Or do they have their own game engine? It looks like its custom.

They have their own custom engine, yes.

Is it necessary to be a CS major to be a good progammer? I just got into my business major anyway.. first year in college :P

No. It isn't. However, why do you want to be a programmer? Figure that out first, then ask more questions.
"I will personally burn everything I've made to the fucking ground if I think I can catch them in the flames."
~ Gabe
"I don't mean to rush you but you are keeping two civilizations waiting!"
~ Cavil, BSG.
"If it's really important to you that other people follow your True Brace Style, it just indicates you're inexperienced. Go find something productive to do."
[size=2]~ Bregma

"Well, you're not alone.

There's a club for people like that. It's called Everybody and we meet at the bar[size=2]."

[size=2]~ [size=1]Antheus

Well, I honestly it looks fun to program. I shadowed a software developer when I was about 16 and I thought it'd be a heck of a job. I used to like art as a kid so I always wanted to However, I'm going into business just because it's important to my family so i'm planning to do information systems tech side of business.

However, I'm going into business just because it's important to my family

Life: You’re doing it wrong.

I almost went into art because that is what everyone wanted me to do. I was supposed to work for Disney and be an animator. I knew it was not what I wanted to do but I didn’t want to face those eyes of disappointment in everyone.

But finally I did. I finally told them I wanted to be a game programmer. I faced the eyes of disappointment, and guess what: It wasn’t that tough.

I feel sorry for anyone who does not decide for him- or her- self what path to take. My life has never seen a day of “work”, because I have always been pursuing my passion and having fun the whole time, and I can also tell you that everyone is much more proud of what I have done and who I am now than what I would have done and be had I chosen their path.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

Well, is there a major for game programming?

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