
Just completed college. Need pointers

Started by November 15, 2012 05:18 PM
0 comments, last by Tom Sloper 11 years, 10 months ago
I'm completed my undergraduate in Computer Science recently. I have started working as a software engineer in a reputed company.

Now I wanted to enter game development. I'm not interested in developing games but my interests are to work game engine like
(rendering, physics etc).

My area of interest set is Computer graphics, Image processing, AI, data-mining, Physics and Maths( I know it is pretty big list, but I have to narrow it down from here)

My Skils: programming, problem solving, algorithms, maths and basics physics.

I need some pointers as now to utilize my skills and pursue life in some area from my area of interest. I'm planning my higher studies in this interest set only. Researc and development is my ultimate dream. Any kind of input from you will be very helpful.

Thanks in advance
Hi, idexterous.
If you're interested in getting a job in the game industry, you should read this forum's FAQs for starters. Back out from here to the Breaking In forum's main page, and click the FAQ link at upper right.

-- Tom Sloper --

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