
Game Designer or Game Programmer?

Started by November 23, 2012 07:32 PM
5 comments, last by SimonForsman 11 years, 9 months ago
I am new to this forum. I need advice from some professional game designers and programmers.
I have just finished my 12th with Maths and Physics background.
I am interested in Game Designing & Programming for my future education.
I am good at art skills, love drawing, imaginative & creative, good at maths & physics.
I basically want a job in future with an amazing salary and I want to love my work.

Please advice me what would be best for me . Game Designing or Game Programming ? ( keeping future scope & good salary in mind)
Also I would like to know which degree & university in Australia will be best suitable.

Please advice as I currently have no knowledge of this field.

Thank you.
You can't go through life doing what other people tell you you should do. If somebody tells you you should have a hamburger for lunch, but you'd rather have chicken, then you should have chicken.
It's YOUR life. YOU have to decide this. I realize it's a difficult decision. But that's what being an adult is all about: making decisions. A handy tool I've found for making tough decisions like this is the Decision Grid. You can read the Breaking In forum's FAQs. Your topic was moved to that forum, and you can just go to and click the FAQ link at upper right.

-- Tom Sloper --

Try both and decide by yourself
Just try to make an original game, design the entire game, and do all the programming part.
Probably you will need help for the art, but don't worry about that part, concentrate in the design and the programming part.
hello zoosooz,
generally, i think you'll be more to do design, kind like game object/asset or 3d designer, you like draw rite?

but, somehow i agree at suggestion for you to try doing both(or all) the first time, either simultenous project or task by queue, flip-flap..
with your skills combine with passion, personally i will do (perhaps) both in separate project, one is designing, another is programming, and perhaps mix of both in a single project, try all.
sure you will need much energy to work & handle the stress in each progress & multitasking, no doubt.
but the point here is, to let you feel & experience each in their progress.

my area is in programming, i don't have much option right now.
in the future, i think the pro will consider for time efficiency & business chance at that time, will need to collaborate with others in specific skill area.

both designing & programming still have the same sugar in gain money.
whenever possible, do not limit your option, unless until you sure which point is (pretty much) NOT NECESSARY to do by yourself.

keep the fire, good luck.
They're very different things, and you should do what you love and not will pay more. So I'm seconding Tom's comment, here; you have to decide this for yourself.
What exactly is it that attracts you to the game industry? If it's implementing code then you'll want programming, if it's "creating games"... well. There a potential what you want won't be found in a game design course at all.
Try to narrow down your passions and think over it yourself for a while. No need to rush into something you may very well regret.

Good luck!
I would also recommend studying the differences between each and choosing which will make you happier long term. If you are stuck in a job you are unhappy with, it really doesn't matter how big the wage is, you'll still feel unhappy. Good luck with finding the right course!

I am new to this forum. I need advice from some professional game designers and programmers.
I have just finished my 12th with Maths and Physics background.
I am interested in Game Designing & Programming for my future education.
I am good at art skills, love drawing, imaginative & creative, good at maths & physics.
I basically want a job in future with an amazing salary and I want to love my work.

Please advice me what would be best for me . Game Designing or Game Programming ? ( keeping future scope & good salary in mind)
Also I would like to know which degree & university in Australia will be best suitable.

Please advice as I currently have no knowledge of this field.

Thank you.

First off, if you want money then the game industry isn't your best option, the pay is quite low (Compared to similar jobs in other industries).
Personally i would recommend making a few smaller games on your own (do everything yourself) to help you figure out which parts you enjoy the most (or if you even enjoy it at all).

For programmers you're generally best off with a Computing Science degree from a respectable school. (These also make it easy to enter a different field if you feel like it). The only game school i know of that looks like it is reasonably good for programmers is Full-Sail(in the US) as they offer a proper CS degree with a game and simulation focus which looks pretty solid, most of the game schools however are pretty much scams.
[size="1"]I don't suffer from insanity, I'm enjoying every minute of it.
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!

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