
Importance of technology choices

Started by November 25, 2012 10:25 PM
3 comments, last by Tom Sloper 11 years, 9 months ago
Most likely I will be attempting a break-in soon and there's one topic that made me wonder...

how important is specific tech used in portfolio for job application. For example, if my portfolio consisted of two Java games and one game written in Python, would I have any chance when applying for a C++ job? In my opinion language is just a tool, you can hone your skills with it and master it, but for an entry-level job I'd think the general game programming concepts are more important (and shared by every technology).

or should I just make sure my portfolio includes a game or something game-related for every language to cover all bases?
OpenGL fanboy.

if my portfolio consisted of two Java games and one game written in Python, would I have any chance when applying for a C++ job?

Why would you apply for a job as a C++ programmer without any C++ work in your portfolio?

-- Tom Sloper --

Because that's what I'd prefer to program in. I believe a good programmer can switch to a different language very quickly. Although that view might not be shared by others.
OpenGL fanboy.
Yeah, a good programmer should be able to switch languages easily, and even start programming in languages they've never used before without too much downtime.

However, there's a big difference between someone who's experienced with a particular language and knows all of it's idioms and idiosyncrasies, and someone who just started using it last month. So demonstrating experience/capability with a language will always be good for you.

C++ is an especially dangerous language, where an inexperienced user can do a lot of harm. It's very easy to write C++ code that looks correct, but causes bugs that can appear anywhere in the project (even in features that aren't connected to the buggy code). Basically instead of every man-hour of their time bringing the project 1 man-hour closer to completion, the addition of 1 hour worth of bad code can actually delay the game by several man-hours (due to the time other people spend QA'ing, debugging, and then re-writing that bad code).
So when it comes to C++ jobs, I personally would never hire someone that didn't have any meaningful experience with the language, but YMMV.

if my portfolio consisted of two Java games and one game written in Python, would I have any chance when applying for a C++ job?

Why would you apply for a job as a C++ programmer without any C++ work in your portfolio?

Because that's what I'd prefer to program in.

That reply makes no sense. If you'd prefer to program in C++, prove it. Make a portfolio of C++ work.

-- Tom Sloper --

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