
Rephrase my project description

Started by December 11, 2012 07:25 PM
0 comments, last by DaveTroyer 11 years, 9 months ago
Hello, I am a college student and I am at the process of writing my resume. There are two projects I want to list on my resume but the assistant didn't quite like the way I explained them in my first attempt. Can you help me with rephrasing them better?

Project 1:
Design a cross-platform C library which allows inter-process synchronization easily, over network as well as on the same computer. Servers have the ability to o?ffer their primitive variables for subscription and clients could request all the subscriptions from the servers and subscribe to the variables they want. There is also a unique daemon which keeps track of all the servers on the network so a client can connect to a static daemon and request all servers' information currently serving.

I wanted to explain it a little bit but apparently it sounds too confusing and maybe detailed to put on a resume ^.^
So I'm no network genius or anything like that, but I do know something about human nature.
Us, as humans, have egos in the way of nearly everything we do.

If someone can't understand something you wrote, then they aren't going to think they're too stupid to understand but that you're too stupid to communicate.

In order to fix this problem, try breaking down your employment and project details into bullet points. It makes things easier to read important notes as well as breaking the run on sentences into bite-sized chunks. Then, even if there is something they don't understand, it'll be less intimidating to them and they might even ask you about it in an interview. And if the interviewer wants more info on something, you know it's going in the right direction.

So lets break it down now;

Design a cross-platform C library which allows inter-process synchronization easily, over network as well as on the same computer. Servers have the ability to o?ffer their primitive variables for subscription and clients could request all the subscriptions from the servers and subscribe to the variables they want. There is also a unique daemon which keeps track of all the servers on the network so a client can connect to a static daemon and request all servers' information currently serving.

Turns into:

Cross-Platform C Library Client (Date)

  • Allows inter-process synchronization easily, over network
  • Primitive variable subscription and client requests
  • Unique daemon tracking server information for client

    See? Much better.

    Hope I helped! biggrin.png

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