
Can you tell me one of the best game company list

Started by December 20, 2012 02:11 AM
12 comments, last by xiaoan 11 years, 7 months ago
Can you tell me one of the best game company list

I send my resume to EA, Activision, Blizzard, Autodesk,

Can you recommend me other good place to work?

valve maybe?

I thought Value don't have special position.... hmm

I'm 14years 3D engine guru(sorry to say yes I 'm :) )

I currently send just english culture company only...

thank you for your comment

Beauty is only skin deep , ugly goes to bones

World's only 3D engine tunner and 3D engine guru.

and real genius inventor :) but very kind warm heart .. and having serious depression for suffering in Korea ( currently out dated and only Korean will change to English and new stuff when I get better condition :) sorry for that)

-- Tom Sloper --

What does being a 3D engine guru exactly mean? What is your exact skillset?

Software Engineer | Credited Titles: League of Legends, Hearthstone

What does being a 3D engine guru exactly mean? What is your exact skillset?

why do you interest in me?

or your studio need high end 3D engine programmer?

Beauty is only skin deep , ugly goes to bones

World's only 3D engine tunner and 3D engine guru.

and real genius inventor :) but very kind warm heart .. and having serious depression for suffering in Korea ( currently out dated and only Korean will change to English and new stuff when I get better condition :) sorry for that)

thanks Tom. don't worry I'm not stupid.. I just proud what I am smile.png

Beauty is only skin deep , ugly goes to bones

World's only 3D engine tunner and 3D engine guru.

and real genius inventor :) but very kind warm heart .. and having serious depression for suffering in Korea ( currently out dated and only Korean will change to English and new stuff when I get better condition :) sorry for that)

What does being a 3D engine guru exactly mean? What is your exact skillset?

I can easily run your LOL to android and Ios with very small modication of your 3D engine without No change of sourcecode and resource.

It wil run PC and android and IOS without any modification..(except mine)

It takes mostly 6 month. If you interest this kind of job plz reply to me

or send email to me [email=""][/email].

this kind of specialty is my skill

I think very few 3D engine programmer can do this

of course I have similiar experience 5+ times


Beauty is only skin deep , ugly goes to bones

World's only 3D engine tunner and 3D engine guru.

and real genius inventor :) but very kind warm heart .. and having serious depression for suffering in Korea ( currently out dated and only Korean will change to English and new stuff when I get better condition :) sorry for that)


[quote name='Tom Sloper' timestamp='1355973031' post='5012692']

thanks Tom. don't worry I'm not stupid.. I just proud what I am smile.png

I never said you were stupid. I offered you my very best advice, based on my years of experience. If you were offended, that was not my intention. My intention was to help you achieve your goal by showing you the things you should not do and the things you should do. If you were offended by the first link, then perhaps you did not look at the second and third links. You should.

By the way, these discussion forums are not the right place for people to engage in hiring or getting hired. This discussion forum is for the exchange of advice about getting hired. If you want to engage in conversations with individuals, you can use this website's private messaging system. If you want to advertise your skills, you can use the Classifieds, or you might be permitted to post an announcement in Your Announcements.

-- Tom Sloper --

[quote name='GeniusPooh' timestamp='1355991707' post='5012738']
[quote name='Tom Sloper' timestamp='1355973031' post='5012692']

thanks Tom. don't worry I'm not stupid.. I just proud what I am smile.png

I never said you were stupid. I offered you my very best advice, based on my years of experience. If you were offended, that was not my intention. My intention was to help you achieve your goal by showing you the things you should not do and the things you should do. If you were offended by the first link, then perhaps you did not look at the second and third links. You should.

By the way, these discussion forums are not the right place for people to engage in hiring or getting hired. This discussion forum is for the exchange of advice about getting hired. If you want to engage in conversations with individuals, you can use this website's private messaging system. If you want to advertise your skills, you can use the Classifieds, or you might be permitted to post an announcement in Your Announcements.

Thank you again Tom

I 'm glad again for you kindness

It's hard to find your intention.

sorry for violatied this site policy,,,

I just shocked I encounter LOL's programmer It's so good chance to me.. Korea's game industry shrink down by LOL (I'm Korean)

Sometime I act like kid smile.png

( by the way .. how about cut down or minimize the word "stupid" at this article many people could feel bad when just see that article at first smile.png - just my Idea )

anyway I need many friend I hope to be friend Tom and all of you smile.png

-- but why anyone recommend me best company? anyway?--

Beauty is only skin deep , ugly goes to bones

World's only 3D engine tunner and 3D engine guru.

and real genius inventor :) but very kind warm heart .. and having serious depression for suffering in Korea ( currently out dated and only Korean will change to English and new stuff when I get better condition :) sorry for that)

( by the way .. how about cut down or minimize the word "stupid" at this article many people could feel bad when just see that article at first smile.png - just my Idea )

I think He intentionally uses the Term "Stupid" Within that Document. In my opinion, it is used to great effect and should not be removed.

-- but why anyone recommend me best company? anyway?--

There is no such thing as "best company" Apply where you want to work, its as simple as that.


any way

I feel uncomfortable that expression ...(and sorry to said I disapointed about that writting. I just skipp it.)

and I'm not agree with you about best terms ..

There is alway admirable and best studio exist ...

I can't ask to agree with me. and I think arguing that stuff is just wasting mental energy and time.

If there is some one know or think which one is great studio or company , and if you can tell me.

I very appreciate it..

and Happy christmas :)

Beauty is only skin deep , ugly goes to bones

World's only 3D engine tunner and 3D engine guru.

and real genius inventor :) but very kind warm heart .. and having serious depression for suffering in Korea ( currently out dated and only Korean will change to English and new stuff when I get better condition :) sorry for that)

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