
I want an Internship in the UK as a game programmer!

Started by December 24, 2012 01:44 PM
2 comments, last by noatom 11 years, 8 months ago
Right, I graduated in BSc(Hons) Computer Science degree and I can't say I've dont well it but, now I've also graduated in a MSc Computer Game Engineering degree and I can say I've done well on it, but still it seems like getting into the games industry as a game programmer is impossible for me... I've even created my own website to show my developed games to companies, but still... seems like a dark world to me.

I've been applying to all sorts of internships when I was doing my MSc such as Ubisoft, EA, Eutechnyx and CPP, but not a single soul replied to even offer an interview.

And now, I find myself want to give it one last try (before I give up) to get into the games industry.

Does anyone know any internships or Graduate prositions as a programmer in the UK?

EDIT: my website is -

Hey. For a start I would have posted your website on this thread!

Networking is key too, sounds like you are from the North East (based on companies you have applied to?) if so there have been LOADS of events this year, as well as offers for students at conferences like GameHorizon.

Another event is Game Dev Drink (which happens semi frequently) but you get guys from Eutechnyx , Thumbstar and Reflections attending, also there is going to be another Mobile Mingle held in January which is worth going to.

Linked in is a good site to use to get introductions but I have found it only has real value when backed up with at least some *real life* contacts.

Anyway, good luck!


hi James,

Many thanks for the advice. I've googled on this GameHorizon thing, but can't get any info on it. Can you tell me a bit more about it such as when and where is it held?

Many Thanks

your portofolio has only 2 games,that might be the problem.Also,companies like ubisoft expect you to have the knowledge needed to make games.<br /><br />Also,you are lacking directx samples,which is an important factor to big companies like ubisoft.OpenGL is good,but I think DirectX is a must.<br /><br />My opinion: just get some books and make some games.I think the best way to get people to look at you is with a great portofolio.You can have 100 degrees in computer science releated stuff,but without something actually created by you...<br /><br />So you get my ideea...make more games,2 is not enough.<br /><br />Or focus on a single game,but put in that one all the effort.

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