Pixel ? Tile ? World

United States
Exploring of a world of code, coding a world of exploration...
114 entries
Servant of the Lord
July 29, 2013
Code snippet for typesafe void* userdata
Just tossed this piece of code together - it wraps void* points with asserts() to ensure you are getting the same type that you originally set.
Normally I shy away from void* pointers as I feel like they are indicators of bad design, but sometimes you need to use them, and when you do, they might as…
Servant of the Lord
July 25, 2013
Cabinets and shrubbery for Of Stranger Flames
Here's some art I made today and yesterday for my RPG game project.
([size=2]Note: This art is not public domain - I intend to use it for my own game projects - though I'd love to release some of it in the future)

Since Of Stranger Flames takes place in a heavily-forested land, I need alot of shrubbe…
Servant of the Lord
July 22, 2013
Tiny bit of art, some programming talk
Here's a few pieces of art I made for my game, in between programming.

Stone fence

I just finished this a few minutes ago - it took about an hour.


I guess abou…
Servant of the Lord
July 07, 2013
Editor screenshot
What's cool about Qt is that you can make really impressive looking interfaces fairly quickly.

Here's what the editor looks like today, compared with a week ago:

Still alot of work todo. I'm halfway considering licensing this editor out as a RPG making tool, or maybe just a tile editor, when I finish…
Servant of the Lord
June 28, 2013
Editor work and forest work
For a few reasons, I needed to rework a good part of my game editor *again*. This is at least the third time.

Here's the work I did today and yesterday, but I think I'll be able to quickly re-integrate the components from the previous editor. Most of the underlying engine code is the same.

Last post …
Servant of the Lord
June 25, 2013
I'd like to be a tree
I know I haven't posted in a long while. Still working on Of Stranger Flames, but progress has been sporadic. Still optimistic though!
Here's some of the tree art I've been working on:

Alas, this is not a screenshot from within the gam…
Servant of the Lord
March 24, 2013
I haven't posted in awhile, so here's some art I've been working on
I've set up mercurial and use that for Of Stranger Flames. I should've learned some kind of source versioning system years ago, but the list of things I 'should learn' is rather large.

Mercurial was surprisingly easy to get up and running, so I'm glad. I've installed TortoiseHg but I end up doing …
Servant of the Lord
March 02, 2013
Easing along, one step at a time
I just finished adding some of the standard Ease equations to my code base for use in Of Stranger Flames.
In discussion about the equations, it was requested for me to share the code here. This is not a tutorial, I don't have enough familiarity with the subject (or with math in general) to explain h…
Servant of the Lord
January 15, 2013
Hammering away on code and art
I've been busy with code, and though I've been making little progress, progress is being made.

Yesterday and today I tossed together some art for my game to give me a break in-between compiles. This week's theme has been rough wooden structures.

([size=2]Note: This art, like all the art I reveal on h…
Servant of the Lord
December 05, 2012
Relaxing on a pixel-art couch
While wrestling an annoying segfault (one of those, "This shouldn't be happening" bugs), and while chipping away (slowly) at a easy but tedious piece of code that I need to write, I ofcourse recline back and work on some art.

Apparently this weeks theme is couches. I guess my game takes place in a f…
Servant of the Lord
November 25, 2012
Minor progress update
I've been making alot of progress on minor points, checking things off my list(s). This is especially good, because I've been really disappointed with my progress of late, mostly due to being busy with non-game development stuff that had to get done, and while my time wasn't "taken up", it was frac…
Servant of the Lord
November 19, 2012
Smidgen bit of art
Here's a few pieces of art I tossed together over the past dozen or so days while waiting for code to compile.

Colorful swirling floor

It tiles horizontally and vertically better than you'd guess.

Stone wall

Not my best work - I think it contrasts too much with my other art, but I'll wait until I can s…
Servant of the Lord
October 28, 2012
Some new tile art, a new concept town sketch, and code architectural change
Hey guys! I got some work done the past week or two. Not as much as I was hoping to, but at least I got something done.
For starters, layers now can be created/deleted using the editor.

Code architecture change

I've made some non-visible changes to the code architecture. I was running into an interes…
Servant of the Lord
October 20, 2012
Layers interacting with the editor
I've been having loads of difficulty getting the "game" part of the code interacting with the "editor" part of the code, but I've finally hit on a decent solution. Such interface-to-system messaging is a problem I usually have with my not-thought-through architectures, but I'm getting better at it.…
Servant of the Lord
September 17, 2012
Announcing 'Of Stranger Flames'
Phew, I was 'gone' for almost two months (active on the forums and working on AdventureFar's website but no journal posts).

For the past 45 days, I've been chugging hard to get the AdventureFar website (and my personal website) up and running. I made my own WordPress theme, forcing me to learn PHP a…
Servant of the Lord
July 21, 2012
Cross platform filepath conventions and folder organization - Suggestions?
I have alot of folders and files that I use for programming, and sometimes it's a pain when I manually have to go through them in Windows Explorer. To make it easier, I use a couple tricks:

1) I set icons to folders I use frequently, usually icons that can be at a glance distinguished from each othe…
Servant of the Lord
July 09, 2012
Steam Greenlight? ...and a few other things
Valve just announced a new way for developers to get onto Steam. They're calling it Steam Greenlight.

Basically, developers early in development start posting stuff about their game, and if the community likes it enough, they upvote the game, and if the game gets enough community support, it brings …
Servant of the Lord
July 04, 2012
Some art
Well, so much for planning ahead! I just unexpectedly spent 20-ish days out of state, without access to the internet. I only got back four days ago.
Naturally, that torpedoed my intentions of getting the level editor working on time (though to be fair, I was already late even before I had to leave).…
Servant of the Lord
June 13, 2012
Creating and deleting area chunks
Making heavy progress, but still a ways out from actually meeting my milestone of walking around the game world.

Here's the scene where you can edit the areas at a 'chunk' level instead of at a 'tile' level. (Recap: Areas are made up of Chunks which are made up of 20 by 20 tile layers)

Creation and …
Servant of the Lord
June 06, 2012
Treasure Adventure Game
Hey all, I'm making (slow) progress on AdventureFar. Won't be able to get the game editor (and thus the first town) done by the 15th as hoped.
I am making progress, but my programming time has been constrained slightly for the past week (but that will return to normal in a few more days).

Anyway, I'm…
Servant of the Lord
May 29, 2012
Strongly-typed typedefs in C++ in MinGW and GCC (C++11, GCC v4.6)
C++ typedefs are weak - they are only a simple alias of the original type, and are implicitly converted to and from the original type.

Here's a basic example:
struct Point
int x, y;

typedef Point MyPoint;
typedef Point MyOtherPoint;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Point point;
MyPoint myPoint;
Servant of the Lord
May 27, 2012
Minor update... to say I've made no progress =(...
Just stopping in to say I haven't made much progress since my last post.

[ . ] Minor household repairs
[ . ] Relatives visiting
[ . ] Borderlands coop (16.1 hours) (playing with one family member)
[ . ] Made a website for a friend's daughter's webcomic ("Patchwork Magic"). It's actually pretty…
Servant of the Lord
May 12, 2012
And I shall walk the streets of Hahdief...
Past week:

I fixed the problems with coloration and blending, and made more progress on the editor.

Here's a screenshot of me just playing around. Until I get multiple layers re-implemented (works in the code, but not hooked to the editor yet), everything looks like junk (Blending isn't useful until …
Servant of the Lord
May 05, 2012
More editor work, interface sketches, and plot
I haven't gotten too much done since I last posted, just chippin' away at the editor piece by piece. I want to have the editor entirely finished by June 15 (6 weeks from now). It's been too long, so I've given myself a set of goals, each 6-weeks apart, to press forward in development.

Editor work:

Servant of the Lord
April 27, 2012
AdventureFar status - Editor and plot work, excel spreadsheets
Hey, it has been two weeks since my last update - unexpected distractions reared their head.

Primarily, I've spent the past two weeks getting a little work done on the plot, and spent alot of time (primarily just in the past three or four days) on the editor. Pieces of code are starting to fit back …
Servant of the Lord
April 12, 2012
Minor update
I don't have much to show, so this is just an update of what's going on with me (Trying to stay on my 'at least every 10 days' journal schedule).

I've had a tough couple of days coding... It's just been one of those times were you run into a wall and get discouraged. Partly because of difficulties i…
Servant of the Lord
April 03, 2012
Character concept art, eccentricities, plot, and infrastructure work
I've been doing work to add alot of data-driven functionality to AdventureFar's engine.
I thought of a clean and efficient way to allow each page of a menu to be configurable by files... and to move around and create and edit the menu elements from within the game itself while it is running. Nothing…
Servant of the Lord
March 28, 2012
Hand-drawn conceptual town maps
Here's the basic world that the game takes place in:

It's a single nation, land-locked on two sides (north-west and north-east) by mountain ranges, and the ocean to the southwest, and swamps to the south-east. The game takes place solely in that one nation.

It's not a very sea-faring nation, though i…
Servant of the Lord
March 19, 2012
Some work on the editor interface
I spent today and yesterday getting this on-screen:

It's the basic interface for the in-game editor. It's not doing anything yet (The "Recent saves" and such are dummy text), but the widgets are all in place. The icons are from Nuvola icon set.

The tabs on the edges of the screen function will switch…
Servant of the Lord
March 14, 2012
Main menu, (the corner of the) map visible, game state diagram
I can see my world again! For quite awhile (many months) while doing alot of architectural changes to my code, I could no longer see the maps being displayed onscreen because I had disabled that part of the engine. Since I wasn't specifically working on the visual side of things, I hadn't bothered …

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