Here the toys do not lie still...

Published September 26, 2014
More progress, I do believe: I now have the basics of collectable items, good progress on weapons and attacks (not that there are many weapons available), the basics of the player's death, a loading screen (complete with fades to black), simple blob shadows, and a (buggy) first enemy.

It's none of it quite finished, and there's much yet untouched (sound and music, for example), but it's getting there, little by little...

A new screenshot:
Screenshot from 2014-09-26 05:41:17.png
This is taken in the "starting room" of standard levels, the staircase landing. To the left and top doors open onto other rooms. Just above the player a wooden plank sits--a potential weapon. At the bottom we see the player's current health, and the bar in which items are displayed.

And finally, a teaser, I suppose: a shot of the first enemy that I've thus far implemented:
5 likes 6 comments



Love the gator. Your game is looking nice too.

- Eck

September 26, 2014 06:45 AM

I like the UI art! Hope to see a video of this soon!

September 26, 2014 08:36 AM

doing well. looking forward to more!

September 26, 2014 12:19 PM

Love how the planks look, very nice work!

And I'm totally with you there with sfx and music (that's what day5 is for, right?... RIGHT?)

September 26, 2014 01:21 PM

Thank you, everyone! happy.png

And I'm totally with you there with sfx and music (that's what day5 is for, right?... RIGHT?)

Heh, that might be cutting it a little close for me--I intend to finish on Saturday/Sunday morning--but you may well be right! XD;

Hope to see a video of this soon!

I don't use YouTube for anything but watching these days (I don't even know whether anything beyond my extant general "Google" account--which I only very seldom log into--is called for in order to do so), and don't have an account elsewhere, so I doubt that I'll be releasing a video--sorry! :/

September 26, 2014 03:17 PM

Looks awesome!

September 26, 2014 03:50 PM
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