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Best RPG Ever???

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40 comments, last by Run_The_Shadows 24 years ago
Ultima VII, or The Bard''s Tale, or Bloodwych.

Although I never played it, I watched my friends play Final Fantasy 7, and I can only assume that console gamers have much lower standards.
Being that you are the self proclaimed site pessimist, Aversion, then I guess the natural conclusion would be that everyone just wants more eye candy. While there is no arguing that today''s games certainly have more eye candy, I think it is easily arguable that they have other redeeming features too. I also don''t think it''s overly optimistic to believe that today''s games are also getting better. Sure there is more and more crap flooding the market, but if we stay focused on the cream of the crop (which is not defined purely on sales records, to be clear), I do believe the top notch games are indeed getting better and better every year. And I think that holds true in every genre of gaming out there, but moreso in the RPG arena then any other. Not only that, but we are seeing RPG elements bleed into other genres more and more every year. Pure First Person Shooters have lost their novelty, and while they''re still popular, they''re losing more and more ground to more indepth First person Shooters where players take on more specific roles and work as teams to accomplish goals. Is that not also a form of roleplaying? You are after all playing a role within the action game. And within the RPG genre specifically we have games starting to explore areas that have to date been left untapped, or haven''t come close to their full potential. Baldur''s Gate II will give players the ability to obtain their own strongholds, something never before seen in an AD&D CRPG. Neverwinter Nights is going to completely redefine the way we play CRPGs in general, giving the players complete control over their own worlds and lives. The level of interactivity, depth of story, and expansiveness of the gaming worlds we have available today are far and above what was commonly available 10 years ago (with a few exceptions) Bottom line though, the best games today are indeed progressing forward, and the best games of tomorrow show no signs of this progress slowing down. That''s not optimism or pessimism, that''s realism.

As for my vote of Best RPG ever, I''m going to go out on a limb and choose a game not even available yet, Neverwinter Nights. This game is going to allow me to come closer to recreating my favorite Pen & Paper worlds on the PC then was ever previously possible.
I''m now playing ''breath of fire 2'' for the SNES and it''s pretty darn good!
And it''s even not square''s.

Sludge Software
Developing a secret of mana style role-playing-game
Sludge Softwarewww.sludgesoft.comDeveloping a secret of mana style role-playing-game
Ultima VI, Ultima VII pt. I and pt. 2.

"Paranoia is the belief in a hidden order behind the visible." - Anonymous
Ultima Underworld II is the best RPG ever if you only take computer rpgs in consideration. If you take the pen and paper ones I would say there is nothing greater than Shadowrun.

Everything is possible ...
... at least I think so.
Hooked me the longest: Everquest (although...rpg?)
Surprised me the most: The Summoning
Sorry I never got to finish it: Prophecy Of The Shadow

Best? Probably my current PlayByEmail game (I play a Ventriloquist/Illusionist with a schizo puppet)

In my opinion computer games just don''t allow enough room to really be considered roleplaying games...yet?

You either believe that within your society more individuals are good than evil, and that by protecting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible, or you believe that within your society more individuals are evil than good, and that by limiting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible.
Best pen and paper RPG has to be Shadowrun. Following a close second was CoC and then ADnD. All in all though Shadowrun gives you the best of all worlds.

Derek Licciardi (Kressilac)Elysian Productions Inc.
Ok, i''m gonna KILL all of you that even MENTIONED AD&D
*peers around for the FBI Snoops*
AD&D is ROLL-Playing(to blatantly plug another post)
Literally it is nothing but mindless rolling. Though at
least they use more than one type of dice to keep your
attention there....yes, i play AD&D from time to time*grumble*
but only when i trust the other players/DM IMPLICETLY!!
I gave up AD&D when the other players in this god forsakenly
small town conned me into playing my little elf and they
had their triple 20th level LG,N,CE mages with the power to
summon the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse with a whistle.
I HATE MUNCHKINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Shadowrun....ahh the best ROLL-Playing game ever!!!
This one i love. Though it is not so much Role-Playing,
it is just FUN to play. Unfortunately the only good gaming
i get with it is online, due to the fact that the only
people in town besides myself that play it have decided
that Trolls can carry double HMG''s and suffer no recoil
I HATE MUNCHKINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, Landfish, White Wolf is getting goofy as the meta-plot
begins ticking down to Gehenna/Armageddon. Thats probly why
i still play BASIC 3rd Ed. without any of these goofy
[insert clan name]''s Antediluvian has been killed and so
[insert clan name]''s members are all crazies.
Anyway, this is the best post i''ve gotten replies to
So i just thought of a new more Game-Developish topic
So Keep replying to this and go for the new one as well.

PETA-People for the Eating of Tasty Animals!!!!!

Any of the Zelda Games. Those are awsome!

Dade 11
If we''re talking roll-playing games, it''s GOTTA be Cyberpunk2.0.2.0!

( Ah, it''s just one little glock bullet. Hmm, one little glock bullet aimed at my head. Hmm, one little glock bullet aimed at my head and through my headgear armor. Hmmmmm, one little glock bullet causing a critical hit on my cranium. ARHG!! **begins the three hour process of rolling up a new character.** )

System-wise, I think I like WHFRP (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay) best, of all the games I''ve played, because we simplified it to death without modifiers, just percentile rolls on your stats. The best way to run improvised adventures. Those were the good old days.
*goes all bleary eyed and sits in his rocking-chair staring blankly at the sunset*

Give me one more medicated peaceful moment..
~ (V)^|) |<é!t|-| ~
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It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.

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