
[4E6] Discuss Element: Ponies

Started by September 27, 2007 11:31 AM
49 comments, last by Dark Adept 16 years, 11 months ago
I have already incorporated two of the elements into my game design

In the maze there are ponies, which are producing the most god awful elevator music. If you listen too long your ears will explode.
I dream hard of helping people.
Quote: Original post by bschneid
Personally I think ponies is a terrible element. But what exactly counts as "ponies"? In the realm of video games, what exactly differs from "pony" to "horse", and how do the judges distinguish the two? Maybe it doesn't matter anyway, since you need only to include 3 of the 4 elements, but I'm not sure what qualifies as a pony short of petite, pink horses...

In the other thread about 4e6 when i mentioned that there are no succesfull games featuring ponies many people replied claming that there are. What suprised me that among examples they mentioned World of Warcraft. I played only trial version but AFAIK there are no ponies there. So it looks some people think of a pony element generally as a horse(which are in WoW). I thought that pony != adult horse. Maybe superpig could clarify it?
I'm kinda confused ;)
Its a test of manhood. (or womanhood. Sorry). Can you work towards a target audience, or do you cry when you don't get your own way?

Your target audience wants to see accountants feeding ponies potassium iodide crystals and watching them explode.

Get over it.
I just wanted to see if he would actually do it. Also, this test will rule out any problems with system services.
Quote: Original post by shotgunnutter
Its a test of manhood. (or womanhood. Sorry). Can you work towards a target audience, or do you cry when you don't get your own way?

Your target audience wants to see accountants feeding ponies potassium iodide crystals and watching them explode.

Get over it.

yes, noone should complain about the elements. it should be a test to see if you can deliver a polished/innovative game using the pre-determined elements. alot of games aren't made because of the developer's interests, it's the gamers who decide what they want. let this be a learning experience.
Check out my 4E6 progress!( Personal Guarantee! You will NOT get rick-rolled. )
Hmm, ponies... That's what's been throwing me off all day!

Oh, wait! I think I got it.

How about a game entitled "Silence of the Ponies"?

I can see it now, a young FBI agent must enlist the help of a cannibalistic accountant to search for a serial killer who explodes his victims using diamonds(the serial killer poses as a diamond jeweler and causes his victim's head to explode when he reveals the prices.) The FBI agent is haunted with nightmares of screaming ponies being killed at the slaughter house where she grew up, hence the name of the movie.. err, I mean game.

I think I got this contest in the basket... I mean in the bag!
I spent an hour making this and as it turns out it barely even loosely approximates a pony.

Image Hosted by

Maybe I shouldn't try to do my own artwork after all...
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
The ponies will be the corner stone of my entry so leave them alone.

Accountants are kinda tough too in all fairness. I think its hard to imagine a game that uses both without it just being silly. All and all I will say this years elements are way better than last year's.
------------------------------------------------------------- neglected projects Lore and The KeepersRandom artwork
Quote: Original post by cowsarenotevil
I spent an hour making this and as it turns out it barely even loosely approximates a pony.

...Image Removed...

Did you do that in Wings3D?

I did. Why do you ask?

EDIT: Or, perhaps, how did you know?
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
Quote: Original post by cowsarenotevil
I did. Why do you ask?

I thought the lines for the XYZ axises looked familiar. I'm going to be spending a lot of time spinning my wheels in that program since it's the only one I found so far that's easiest to model in for a programmer.

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