Not dead...

455 entries
December 31, 2009
Goodbye and Hello..
So, 2009... reasonably productive all things considered.

Most of the stuff seems to have been done in the latter half of the year;
- got the start of a TBB particle system going
- learnt about Compute shaders and how to tie them into D3D11
- got a handle on the UDK
- started to get a handle on Unity
- Re…
November 16, 2009
Modern Warfare 2 : No Russian.
Having completed Modern Warfare 2 this weekend in what was, for me, record time of obtaining a game I've decided to also weight in on the 'no russian' level as many people have been doing.

If you have not finished the game there WILL be spoilers below. Turn away NOW.

So, as you probably know by now M…
October 18, 2009
Letters From The Readers
Its time for one of those entries where I quickly answer a post or two from the comments [smile]

Quote:Original post by Jason Z
Do we get to see some screen shots of the system in action?

Right now it exists in a stripped down purely mathematical test environment.

Drawing is on my 'todo' list however b…
October 13, 2009
Particles 2
One unplanned day off due to illness later and, when I felt up to it later in the afternoon, I reattacked my SSE based code.

I decided that, instead of trying to do sillyness with ensuring that the blocks are always multiples of 8, I would just work out how many mulitples of 8 I can process and then…
October 11, 2009
Around the middle of the week I decided to get my arse in gear and get working on some code related to a game idea I had.

I also decided to grab a trial copy of Intel's Parallel Studio to have a play with it, see what its auto vectorisation is like and also try things like the Thread Building Blocks…
October 01, 2009
A Note on Fermi

Fermi, for those who haven't noticed, is the code name being given for NV's new GPU and recently some information has come out about it from NV themselves. This is good because, up until this point, there has been a definite lack of information it that regard; something I'd noted myself previously.…
September 26, 2009
HD5870 - Impressions.
What can I say? The card is basically everything I was expecting - a fast, quiet, low power using DX11 card.

The card installed with no problem, the drivers (currently special drivers as the current general Cat. release doesn't support the card right now) installed fine and everything is as fast and…
September 24, 2009
Are PhysX days numbered?
nVidia have a problem.

Last generation they were taken by surprise by an RV770 chip which was both fast and cheap to produce. While they might have been first to market with the GT200 series card every review site closed out their review with 'but wait to see what AMD have in store' and a week later…
September 12, 2009
While I'll probably never be their number one fan I was starting to soften a bit on my general stance when it comes to Apple products.

I own an iPod because the UI is decent and, despite the ZuneHD looking nice, MS appear to have forgotten the rest of the world exist when it comes to music players.

August 08, 2009
GL3.2 Cont.
A short follow up to my last post; a number a of comments claimed that AMD's recent drivers support GL3.1.

However, I'm currently running a 'beta' of Cat9.8 (to try and get around some other screwed up problems) which is still not showing GL3.1 support.

If someone has proof via a detection program or…
August 03, 2009
GL3.2 - Now with more broken dreams.
(I'd like to thank Zao for todays tag line).

So, as you might have noticed I don't use OpenGL any more, something about an outdated API and the ARB not being able to find its own arse with both hands and a map if it was given 3 tries.... however, I am apprently still subscribed to the mail stuff on …
July 21, 2009
Last wednesday I orderd the Komplete sound pack from Native Instruments. While previously fiddling around I'd tried a couple of demos and was impressed however at over a grand for the whole lot a tad out of my price range.

While looking about last tuesday I discovered that they had the whole thing f…
June 21, 2009
A new plan?
As my previous entries showed last weekend I was on a seemingly impossible quest to find performance for colliding particles using Farseer and based on Mercury.

Having optimised the adding and removal of the particles as far as I could go the final bottle neck was contract resolving/reaction based o…
June 15, 2009
Particles, now with gravity and resting states :D

Spent the evening trying to improve things generally.

I fixed up the firing by adding some precalculations to start up and adding a quick add/remove for collision geometry.

I then tested it with gravity on and noticed things started to suck very quickly. The reason being as things settled…
June 15, 2009
Particles now with videos!
After a tip on IRC by X-0ut I grabbed a copy of taksi and did a quick recording of the work in progress particle system.

">One video, complete with HD option which I suggest you use [grin]

As the description says, the alpha fade is turned off, while this looks cool in practise it didn't really hel…
June 14, 2009
XNA, particles and physics
I was casting around for things last week, looking for a 2D XNA game engine, but in my lookings I came across Project Mercury; a particle engine which supports XNA and, based on the editor, is really sweet.

I was looking at some forum posts about it and some people where talking about having the par…
May 27, 2009
5 days...
Sunday: Went to friend's house for BBQ, caused fireball, sucked at drums on GH:WT and Rock Band
Monday: Went out in the evening, promised I would get better at drums on GH by august, danced for more than 2h non-stop, felt bad on way home, didn't see girl he was kinda seeing
Tuesday: Returned to Brigh…
May 17, 2009
Music for the soul...
Let me try and put into words the last 3 weeks for me...


It was a really bad time; I've had no real energy, hardly been awake. Games weren't even doing it for me, although the excellent Plants vs Zombies did help for a while (and I recommend getting it from Steam), and even at work I hadn't wr…
April 27, 2009
The OpenGL Confusion
or; Why Do Things One Way When 100 Will Do?

The more I think about it the more it seems that OpenGL is trying to implode itself under the weight of the ways to do things.

Right now, by my count, you have the following APIs "in the wild" to program against (well, major features);

- GL2.1
- GL2.1 + direc…
April 23, 2009
A Clean Start...?
As mentioned in the previous post I've moved projects at work, due to the nature of this project however we've got very little legacy code to deal with and only one platform to worry about, both of which are good things.

The code team right now consists of 5 of us and we are very much at the start o…
April 22, 2009
Change of project....
So, having hit our green light date and the presentations going well things are still rumbling on for the Project Which Can Not Be Named; however as the release date is now 2010 the game is heading back into pre-production in order to work on somethings as/when it signed.

The practical upshot of thi…
April 06, 2009
In to work at 10am.
Out of work at 2am.
No real food since 1:30pm.
Welcome to the Green Light process.

*passes out*
March 29, 2009
Last weekend I took a quick look at Unity and I liked it, I didn't get too in depth into it but on the whole it looks like a very good engine, worth the indie price and certainly worth looking at if you want to make a game.

It did however suffer from one major deal breaker on our part; that of serve…
March 20, 2009
Life in the Trenches the road to green light.
This week hasn't been a great deal of fun; next week the project at work goes off to be shown infront of some big wigs for the green light to production process which has meant all hands to the pumps and general stress all around as things were pulled together in a final dash before the weekend.

In …
March 14, 2009
After posting a pondering on facebook with regards to the gameplay of an old Half-life Multiplayer and if it would work in 2D I had a short conversation with the friend I worked on that game with which has led to me agreeing to work on Secret Project #28 with him.

This is a good thing; despite progr…
March 12, 2009
The disappointing nature of APIs
I was going to write some form of blog about this, but it boils down to my twitter post really; WPF and it's lack of D3D10 interop is.. disappointing.

I could see great potential in using WPF as a UI for some sort of D3D10 based level design tool type thing. As it stands I'd probably need a D3D9 pat…
March 07, 2009
It's been a while since the last update, mostly because I haven't had that much to write about over the past month.

I've still got some game ideas kicking about, but they are on hold pending some crunch time at work and me figuring out if they are infact "fun" or not. I'm also hoping for a release o…
January 23, 2009
Dawn of War 2 Multiplayer Beta
So, over all I like it; the changes from the original were a little 'woah..' to start with but now the complete lack of building and general method of play has grown on me.

I do have 3 issues with it based on my playing today;

1) Match Making right now seems a little fubar. Maybe it's just me but I a…
December 30, 2008
2008 Departs...
Like many others at this time of year I find myself looking back over the last year to see what has changed/what I've done with my time. Fortunately I didn't set myself any goals it seems so I can't say I haven't done what I planned [grin]

So, this time last year I found myself poor, with a job star…
December 02, 2008
Today I discovered some more things about Farseer; namely the Body.IgnoreGravity which, as you might have guessed, means that the physics doesn't take into account gravity on the object when it is being run.

The main upshot of this being the players avatar in the world can now ignore gravity and sta…

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